Yes! Maybe some herbs we find might actually work soon. =]
<<Category: Suggestions and Improvements
Topic: GM Announcements
Posted: Jul 23, 1998 05:42:54
Recent changes have been implemented in the game that we know for a fact
will have an impact on foraging. Foraging itself has been waiting for
these changes to be put in place so that we can move forward with the
reworking of forage.
In particular, items that were previously found in some areas will no
longer be found there. But the reverse should not be true. Also, some
items have now become harder to find. Of those items some will remain
harder to find, some will not as we work with forage.
Please be patient with us over the next couple of weeks while we work
through these issues. I think it will be worth it and you will be
satisfied with what the changes will bring to the table.