Alchemy on 05/26/2000 06:38 PM CDT
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Category Abilities, Skills and Magic (24)
Topic Alchemy (1)
Message Still here, Still working. (409)
On May 26, 2000 at 17:28

Hi, all!

Letting you know I'm still here, hard at work revamping the alchemy system. I am now out of the design phase
and now doing some heavy coding. Almost all of it is being rewritten from scratch to incorporate many new
features that will be put in. The base system for alchemy, the substance system, is were most of the work is
being done, and will have potental for many different, new, exciting and dangerous formulas and processes.
Much of the current system will work the same in the new one, but there will be some changes in how things

Once I have something working, then it will have to go through extensive testing, so I can't even guess when
you might see something of this new system. I have set target dates for the different elements, but don't even
try to ask me what they are or when something might be released. Unfortuantly, I occasionally have to take
breaks from working on alchemy to eat, shower and go to work. I know more than anyone the shortcomings of the
current system, and I want to put something out that will be easy to expand as the Realms grow and as you
become more adapt at using alchemy and related systems.

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Alchemy update on 11/07/2001 02:57 PM CST
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Category Abilities, Skills and Magic (24)
Topic Alchemy (1)
On Nov 7, 2001 at 12:03
Subject Re: What Stage? (1008)

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I posted a progress report back in mid-October, stating that I had entered the first part of testing with the new system. Most of the base coding is done, I am now concentrating on conversion of old stuff in to the new system, adding messaging and fleshing out the system, as well as testing.

It is still a few months off before you will see anything, and due to logistical issues it is not possible for players to help test.

More info will be posted before the system is released.

GM Fial
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Fial on Alchemy and Foraging stuffs on 11/09/2001 05:42 PM CST
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Category Abilities, Skills and Magic (24)
Topic Alchemy (1)
On Nov 9, 2001 at 17:16
Subject Re: Ranger vrs Empath Alchemy (1016)

Though it is some time off, in Foraging, Rangers will better at it in tough areas, or out of season foraging and are more likely to find more developed or potent herbs than a non ranger.

Empaths will be the best at working with healing substances and healing based alchemy. Though there will be caps on how much potency a substance can obtain, a ranger/empath team will be able to produce some good healing reagents.

GM Fial

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