Of numbers and such on 09/22/2001 08:23 PM CDT
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I wanted to post some numbers for you folks from Thursday night during our meeting. One thing I do whenever I'm in game, is periodically check the population of Traders who are playing, to get a sense for whether or not the guild is growing.

When I started out, the usual population in peak hours was in the low 40's, and we had as many as 60 or so in game for the Trader Day event sponsored by the Mentors.

Right now, at 9pm EDT, there are 54 (5%) Traders in game, and during our meeting on Thursday, we had an astounding 77 or 6.89% of the total in-game population. We were just 4 short of the number of Paladins, and within 6 of the number of Clerics.

Anyway, I thought you all might be interested in the numbers.

Take care,

Godrich de'Finchal
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