I haven't had time to read the Warrior Mage boards in awhile. I figured that, since I had posted that I would be busy working on other projects, everyone would understand why I wasn't around.
Wishful thinking, hmmm?
So, since that isn't the case, let me address the major concerns everyone has been having.
re: ice patch
Here's the text of the announcement in News 17 (available to everyone in the game):
>>October 5:
The "Spell vs. Agility" formula, which applies to certain resisted spells
(such as Ice Patch and Harawep's Bonds), now includes creatures' evasion skill
and takes into account whether the creature is stunned. In addition, the
target's balance has more effect.<<
We added the creature's evasion to a general magic formula. It affected the spells listed, and others. As with any "spell vs. agility" spell, the major determiner on whether your spell will work is mana. So if your spells aren't affecting the creatures as they used to... use more mana.
re: "useless" or "worthless" spells
::Atrathien gets out his soapbox::
There is no such thing as a useless spell. Just because it doesn't have the exact effect you want it to have, does not mean it has no use. In my experience, players call spells "useless" when they go from being completely overpowered (as both Thunderclap and Ice Patch were), to a more reasonable strength.
::Atrathien puts away his soapbox::
As I have said before, I will not apologize for any changes I feel are necessary to this Guild. Every spell change has been necessary. If it wasn't, I wouldn't have made it.
re: where has Atrathien been
Well, there are two options here.
You can believe that I don't care, as several players have posted. This one is very popular, for some strange reason. Let me ask you this, though... If I didn't care, why would I still be the guild guru? Believe it or not, I could drop the Warrior Mage Guild tomorrow. It would take one simple e-mail to Zoha. So, if I don't care, why haven't I sent that e-mail? Some masochistic impulse that feeds off of being blamed for everything? ;D
The other option is that I've been busy, and haven't had the time. Guys, when Zoha says "Work on this", I don't have the option of saying "No". :) Quite frankly, most of the time I wouldn't say "no" even if I could. :)
re: fir fams
Not my department.
Now, my future presence on the boards:
Honestly guys, I've been seriously considering quitting reading the boards altogether. This past month has been very productive. I've accomplished a lot more than I thought I would.
The main reasons I'm considering leaving are...
1) The majority of the boards have gained the same atmosphere as the "Matter of Magic" board did before Shalnhh stopped reading it.
2) After two years of posting, I'm tired of answering the same questions over and over again. ;P Especially when it's the same people asking.
3) Insults and attacks are not very engaging reading. I'm not a Jerry Springer fan, and it isn't an environment I care to work in.
4) It's no longer worth the time involved.
I haven't made any permanent decisions. <shrug> I'll have to see how the next few months go. But even if I do decide to stay, it will never be at the level it previously was.
Ok, I wasn't even supposed to post this, but the person that was is going to be gone for the next month and I don't want to leave you all hanging. You are my guild mates and I respect you too much for that.
I am taking a break from the boards. It is stressing me out too much to continually read the same whines and complaints over and over, and I'm busting my fingers to get things done. I seriously can't take it anymore. That does NOT mean I'm leaving the guild, nor does it mean I'm taking a break from GMing. It just means I won't be a voice on the boards for a bit. I will continue to be a voice and presence, just won't be posting.
Now, if something major happens, I will post. As it is, I'm working on the shop (hopefully someone will appreciate it <sigh>), working on spells, testing other things, etc. I will also be working my shifts, so you will see me in game.
I'm hoping you all will understand my break from the boards. It was really hurting my feelings and I was rethinking things until I spoke to Maelona (bless her heart!). In the meantime, please consider me not posting to be a good thing for now. Just means I'm hard at work developing things. I'm not leaving, not going AWOL, nor am I stopping any work. I just need a break before something worse happens.
Patience is all I ask.
Thank you,