Update on 08/03/2001 11:11 AM CDT
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Happy Friday, fellow mages!

Just wanted to give you an update on what I've been working on lately. Nothing is set for release soon, but it's getting there. I've been coding and writing my fingers off for you all. I do hope you like what I'm doing.

The shop is coming along nicely. The shop owner has been looking at bits of land for sale and has almost settled on a lovely piece of property. Once it's decided, building will commence. She's got a lot of inventory to put out and rent in the warehouses is getting a might expensive.

Quest, quest, quest...that, too, is coming along. I'm waiting on the next set of instructions from Hyram, who I will tackle and nag this weekend.

Spell I am working on, well, I'm working on it. There's a bunch that need to be fixed first, but I'm doing what I can, when I can. Not enough hours in the day, it seems, to get my online stuff and my RL stuff done.

What else? I have a few surprises for the general populace that I've been working on since before I was Asst. Guru, and those will be done shortly. I think you all will enjoy them as well <g>.

Last thing, the Owl Hour. Sadly, I won't be able to make it as I made other plans months ago. I've spoken to Sofee and she said she'd certainly try to get there, but she may be late. Thank you very much for setting that up!! I love seeing the mages getting back into things and seeing that there is hope. It's going to change for the better, I promise, if it kills me.

Have a great weekend!!

Narcissa :)
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