And a bit of brighter news from the Western Front on 01/30/2002 10:44 AM CST
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Several of you have sent me email inquiries regarding the status of your liaison, to which I've consistently replied (until this post) that when the time was appropriate I would make an announcement regarding his or her status, and not a moment before. The moment has come.

(Apologies ahead of time for any wording oddities in my post here -- I'm attempting to avoid a direct statement of the liaison's gender. Curse English's difficulty with the neuter.)

From the time your liaison was selected for hire back in December, your liaison has done NOTHING but hit the ground running. The liaison has already wrapped him/herself up into a couple of projects, one of which with luck will be released shortly. (read - sooner than 'soon')

A few answers to the comments I've read over the past day:

LILGUIDO/Lailokken --

>>And with all due respect, in regards to the liaison position, we've seen what doesn't work. So how about snatching someone out of the group that posts here nearly every day.

Is there some reason why that is a bad idea?<<

It's a great idea, which is precisely why I selected someone with that qualification (and then some, of course), as promised. :) Your liaison has been gnawing at the bit to post here, and s/he'll be let loose as rapidly as s/he can be trained. I'm anticipating two months, but I and the other training GMs are going to work as hard as we can to get him/her out sooner than that.

HENDERSONM4/Geoffin --

>>I'm wondering if the lack of WM leadership will slow down the following systems/re-evaluations happening for all other guilds, not the WM's specifically.

1) Magic system re-write.

2) TM re-write.

3) Spell re-QC.

4) Guild requirement re-evaluations.

5) 100th Circle Quests<<

1, 2, 3 -- commented on by Valdrik already.

4 -- Not at all. Your liaison has already been active in the WM guild requirement evaluation alongside Maelona and Damissak, so your concern has actually been rendered slightly moot, in a good way!

Random comment -- I hope you folks have been training your TM.

5 -- Reserving commentary.

Again, I look forward to releasing him/her to the masses when the time comes. S/he's one of yours, ladies and gents, just in different clothing. :) In the meantime, I'll be in the mix too over here when I can skip over from my other duties, reporting what mischief your liaison is up to.


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