Shovel on 08/15/2011 10:44 PM CDT
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so i had the idea hit me earlier....a 2HB/pike swappable Shovel!! i mean how sweet would it be to hit someone upside the head with a shovel, then spear em?? just figured id throw the idea out there, i have a 2HB chain just thought a shovel would be sweet too

The wolf is a predator, if it runs he kills it, plain and simple.
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Re: Shovel on 08/15/2011 10:51 PM CDT
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One of the previous festivals sold a grave diggers shovel that is indeed a 2HB. I don't have an app of it as it's on a character I don't have access to currently, but, they do exist!

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Re: Shovel on 08/15/2011 11:01 PM CDT
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Sounds like the "Lobo" from World War Z.

That is a good thing.
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Re: Shovel on 08/15/2011 11:47 PM CDT
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>>Sounds like the "Lobo" from World War Z.

Or, you know, like real military shovels.

Three guesses what the serrated edges are for!
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 12:19 AM CDT
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heh military shovels are real light though, they dont have the desired THWACK! ive tried em...dont work

The wolf is a predator, if it runs he kills it, plain and simple.
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 01:49 AM CDT
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>>Or, you know, like real military shovels.

Lobo's cooler. Why? Because it's called a Lobo, which is short for Lobotomizer.

It's based on a military shovel anyway, but has the added bonus of being called a Lobo.
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 05:32 AM CDT
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Some ranger in Somalia during the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 killed 3 people with an e-tool. Seems like they probably work alright to me.
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 05:47 AM CDT
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<<Three guesses what the serrated edges are for!

Probably not what you think they're for unless you've served.
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 07:31 AM CDT
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to be fair, I do serve, and I'm fairly certain that he's right... the serrated edge is so that it can be used as a weapon. also so it can be used as an axe... but mostly as a weapon.

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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 08:29 AM CDT
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The entrenching tool is intended for good, old-fashioned back breaking labor.

It's also been pressed into service as a weapon on many occasions (A Hawaiian-American soldier killed 13 North Koreans with his e-tool and won a posthumous Medal of Honor for it in '53), but that's not why the edge is serrated.

The edge is serrated so you can cut timber to reinforce the trench you're supposed to be digging with it. The tip is pointed so you can drill holes in the ground to defecate in so you don't mess up the trench you're supposed to be digging. The reason you can lock the blade at a 90 degree angle is so you can climb out of the trench you're supposed to be digging with it. Etc. There's actually quite a lot of these if you ever work up the nerve to get a Drill Sergeant to run through all of them. Or have that particular genius in your platoon.

The NATO-issue e-tool does not have a serrated edge any more, by the way.
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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 09:00 AM CDT
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fair enough. DS told me wrong, and I don't tend to use mine all that often.

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Re: Shovel on 08/16/2011 01:16 PM CDT
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i mean all the things with the 'E-tool' is great...but if you'd ever hit somebody good and hard with a full sized shovel you'd understand why i'd want one so bad...i mean that long handle is great for power when ya get a full swing behind it

The wolf is a predator, if it runs he kills it, plain and simple.
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Re: Shovel on 08/18/2011 06:37 PM CDT
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>>It's also been pressed into service as a weapon on many occasions (A Hawaiian-American soldier killed 13 North Koreans with his e-tool and won a posthumous Medal of Honor for it in '53), but that's not why the edge is serrated.

I would just like to say, that guy needs to go down in the history books as one of the manliest ways to go. Enemy soldiers approaching, most people run, prepare to face death, what did he do, he grabbed his shovel and said "don't worry I got this".

P.S. I, by no means, intend to offend the honor of those who have earned themselves the medal of honor, nor the many more troops who died in service.

As good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were in the eye.
-John Milton
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