Brawling gear appraisals on 08/27/2011 01:53 AM CDT
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I had been making brawling gear that appraised as "quite a bit" of slice/impact/puncture, but I recently found a way to weight them further and get the appraisal value to turn over to the next tier, which is apparently "some" slice/impact/puncture. Is "some" really higher damage than "quite a bit"? This had me very surprised, but then the only other possible explanation would be that you could add weight to brawling gear (without changing anything else) and see the damage go down, which would be contrary to every other weapon type.

Sure would be nice if they fixed the bugs where you can't compare brawling gear, or at least post a list of appraisal ranges for Brawling gear that was actually accurate so players could stop making completely random guesses. I don't get why this has been stuck on PAFO for so long when every other appraisal list has been confirmed by GMs by now

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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/27/2011 03:29 AM CDT
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>>Reasonmj: Sure would be nice if they fixed the bugs where you can't compare brawling gear, or at least post a list of appraisal ranges for Brawling gear that was actually accurate so players could stop making completely random guesses. I don't get why this has been stuck on PAFO for so long when every other appraisal list has been confirmed by GMs by now

I strongly second this suggestion.

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/27/2011 03:35 AM CDT
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Apu, if you get really stuck and no GM answers this post, I could do some statistical tests to figure out the appraisal ranges. I'd need access to gear that does no damage in all but one damage type, and a range of gear that spans the known appraisals for that one damage type.

The tests themselves require some work and aren't guaranteed to give certain results, but they can be done.

-- Player of Eyuve
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/30/2011 08:58 AM CDT
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Maybe possible to check it with the new forging system, using very poor and bad metals and raising the hardness.
As good almost kill a man as kill a good book; who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book, kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were in the eye.
-John Milton
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/30/2011 08:19 PM CDT
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Love these that I got forged

Some haralun knuckles are a brawling type weapon.

You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage increase
poor slice damage increase
a lot of impact damage

You are certain that the haralun knuckles are very strong against damage, and are in pristine condition.

my appraisal isnt good enough for certains anywhere else though.
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/30/2011 11:40 PM CDT
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Am I way off in my interpretation of the brawling gear appraisal, or are those knuckles pretty awful?

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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/31/2011 12:15 AM CDT
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>Am I way off in my interpretation of the brawling gear appraisal, or are those knuckles pretty awful?

You know what the difference between aweful and awesome brawling gear is?

If you do, you might be the only non-GM who does.

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/31/2011 02:24 AM CDT
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>>You know what the difference between aweful and awesome brawling gear is?

>>If you do, you might be the only non-GM who does.

Well, using the assumption that damage goes up as you add more weight to a piece of brawling gear (while leaving the material constant), a partial list would look like this:

a little
a lot
quite a bit

I have no idea where Fair, Moderate and Heavy fall in that list. I've only seen these values on storebought gear, never on forged gear. I'm not even sure if the appraisal scales are the same values. I'm also not entirely sure about the assumption that "increased weight = increased damage" even though it is true for every other weapon in the game.

I really don't get why this one particular facet of appraisal remains PADFO (play and don't find out) while all other appraisal scales have been explicitly posted by GMs in order to remove the confusion, even though all of those scales are far less confusing because the compare verb actually works. My only possible explanation is that brawling appraisal scale is so damn confusing that even the GMs don't know the actual order

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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/31/2011 05:32 AM CDT
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I can confirm that:

a lot
quite a bit

This part is true, that's about it. I would be interested in seeing the app for the item with "some" in it, it sounds really odd to be better than "quite a bit". I haven't done hardly any brawling gear creations so maybe i will take a closer look.

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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 08/31/2011 05:04 PM CDT
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Keep in mind, there is also "standard" damage, which from what I can tell replaces your normal stat derived damage, and "increase" which adds to it.

I suspect that's one of the reasons COMPARE is disabled on brawling weapons.

Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 10/13/2011 01:29 PM CDT
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Not sure if this will help you.. but these are old forged knuckles in comparison:

Some embossed brass knuckles are a brawling type weapon.

You are certain that it could do:
no puncture damage increase
no slice damage increase
moderate impact damage increase

You are certain that the brass knuckles are marginally vulnerable to damage, and are in pristine condition.

The brass knuckles are made with metal.
You are confident that the brass knuckles weighs about 15 stones.
You are certain that the brass knuckles are worth exactly 1000 lirums.
Roundtime: 16 seconds.
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 10/13/2011 08:14 PM CDT
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I don't think there ever were old forged brawling weapons.
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Re: Brawling gear appraisals on 10/13/2011 11:53 PM CDT
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>I don't think there ever were old forged brawling weapons.

I only meant old in terms of pre-appraisal and forging changes..I don't know much about either so I suppose the description meant "it seems like I bought them a long time ago".
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