Kick is a lore verb and a combat verb. That SUCKS! on 09/30/2016 05:15 PM CDT
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We kick collected piles to ghost them but if pile disappears kick will target an engaged enemy. This is problematical for empaths, myself at this point, that accidentally kick a mob incurring shock. QOL request: please change this so it doesn't happen. I've tried so hard to mitigate shock, outside of really killing someone for cause, and this unintentional shock is annoying.
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Re: Kick is a lore verb and a combat verb. That SUCKS! on 09/30/2016 05:54 PM CDT
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Kick pile
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Re: Kick is a lore verb and a combat verb. That SUCKS! on 09/30/2016 07:46 PM CDT
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I realize it's a bit late for you at this point, but you can use the BRAWL verb to disable the ability to use brawling attacks as an Empath. You still get the non-combat functionality, but can't accidentally attack.

You are now set to avoid aggressive brawling manuevers.
>collect rock
You manage to collect a pile of rocks.
Roundtime: 15 sec.
>kick rocks
You take a step back and run up to the pile of rocks. Bringing your foot smashing down onto the pile, you send bits and pieces of debris scattering in every direction. Looking around for the now defunct mountain of glory, you fail to find any signs of its presence.
You will no longer avoid aggressive brawling manuevers.

-Life Weaver Karthor
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