ASSESS and range on 05/12/2016 08:46 PM CDT
So I saw something odd yesterday while I was hunting cougars near Crossing, west of the goblin brook. I can only handle one at a time without getting beat up on, so I disabled a second one that was advancing. I ASSESSed to be sure that I was fighting the one I though I was fighting, and got this weird stuff below: it says that I'm facing #1 at pole range when actually #2 is the cougar at pole range and #1 is melee.
> You assess your combat situation...
>You (solidly balanced) are facing a cougar (1) at pole weapon range.
>A cougar (1: solidly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
>A cougar (2: immobile and very badly balanced) is flanking you at pole weapon range.
Re: ASSESS and range on 05/12/2016 11:48 PM CDT
Re: ASSESS and range on 05/13/2016 10:55 AM CDT