ASSESS and range on 05/12/2016 08:46 PM CDT
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So I saw something odd yesterday while I was hunting cougars near Crossing, west of the goblin brook. I can only handle one at a time without getting beat up on, so I disabled a second one that was advancing. I ASSESSed to be sure that I was fighting the one I though I was fighting, and got this weird stuff below: it says that I'm facing #1 at pole range when actually #2 is the cougar at pole range and #1 is melee.

> You assess your combat situation...

>You (solidly balanced) are facing a cougar (1) at pole weapon range.
>A cougar (1: solidly balanced) is facing you at melee range.
>A cougar (2: immobile and very badly balanced) is flanking you at pole weapon range.
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Re: ASSESS and range on 05/12/2016 11:48 PM CDT
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Did you use cast cougar or cast without a target? I've seen wierdness when I try to target a specific mob. It's like the room/targeting is counting down but assess is counting up.
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Re: ASSESS and range on 05/13/2016 10:55 AM CDT
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I used 'cast second cougar' to get the one flanking me so that it would stop advancing. And it did work too, its just that one first line of ASSESS that's wonky.
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