LC Head/Hands on 08/11/2011 12:44 PM CDT
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Who is forging new Balaclavas and hand armor, where can I get it and how much?

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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/11/2011 01:14 PM CDT
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I have some >67% medium carbon steel,<33% oravir balaclavas and gloves I made when testing stuff, if you want them you can have them for free. In Riverhaven at the moment.

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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/11/2011 05:26 PM CDT
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I am also selling armors, personal preference is working on the heavier end.

20 platinums local coin for each accessory piece.

I can also make them out of rare metals, cost negotiable.

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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/12/2011 05:42 AM CDT
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I would be interested in seeing what apps you are getting for LC Balaclava n gloves for comparison to the stuff I am currently using. Just looking at normal metals am too poor for rare armor at the moment.

Thanks :)
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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/12/2011 06:37 AM CDT
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Medium steel/oravir: Not lightened but are tempered.

The mail gloves are light chain.

The gloves look like they offer protection for the following areas:

right hand
left hand

You feel certain that some steel mail gloves appear to impose trivial maneuvering hindrance and insignificant stealth hindrance, offering:
good protection and very high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and very high damage absorption for slice attacks.
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for impact attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only wearing some steel mail gloves you could expect your maneuvering to be insignificantly hindered and your stealth to be minimally hindered.

You are certain that the mail gloves are very strong against damage, and are in pristine condition.

The mail gloves are made with metal.
The mail gloves are quite supple.
You are certain that the mail gloves weighs exactly 37 stones.
You are certain that the mail gloves are worth exactly 2608 lirums.

The ring balaclava is light chain.

The balaclava looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

right eye
left eye

You feel certain that a steel ring balaclava appears to impose trivial maneuvering hindrance and trivial stealth hindrance, offering:
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and very high damage absorption for slice attacks.
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for impact attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
poor protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only wearing a steel ring balaclava you could expect your maneuvering to be insignificantly hindered and your stealth to be minimally hindered.

You are certain that the ring balaclava is very strong against damage, and is in pristine condition.

The ring balaclava is made with metal.
The ring balaclava is quite supple.
You are certain that the ring balaclava weighs exactly 72 stones.
You are certain that the ring balaclava is worth exactly 5888 lirums.

High carbon steel might be a little better, but you will loose durability.
That is a ring balaclava, the other patterns will probably be slightly different.

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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/12/2011 07:18 AM CDT
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Mail balaclava pattern Medium steel/Oravir: Not lightened or tempered.

The mail balaclava is light chain.

The balaclava looks like it offers protection for the following areas:

right eye
left eye

You feel certain that a steel mail balaclava appears to impose trivial maneuvering hindrance and trivial stealth hindrance, offering:
good protection and very high damage absorption for puncture attacks.
good protection and very high damage absorption for slice attacks.
moderate protection and very high damage absorption for impact attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for fire attacks.
fair protection and moderate damage absorption for cold attacks.
low protection and somewhat fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only wearing a steel mail balaclava you could expect your maneuvering to be minimally hindered and your stealth to be minimally hindered.

You are certain that the mail balaclava is of average construction, and is in pristine condition.

The mail balaclava is made with metal.
The mail balaclava is quite supple.
You are certain that the mail balaclava weighs exactly 97 stones.
You are certain that the mail balaclava is worth exactly 7261 lirums.

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Re: LC Head/Hands on 08/12/2011 08:54 AM CDT
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For steel (high and mid carbon), and armor class differences:
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