Questions about HX Balance / Suitedness on 03/08/2012 10:52 PM CST
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This is probably the wrong time to ask this but its been bugging me and maybe a GH or something in the know will see this and be able to shed some light on the silly little questions that stick in my Green Jell-O brain matter.

What the heck is up with HX appraisals?

Most seem to be inadequate / not suited.
Some are Decent / Decent or around that area.
The crossing sold HX is Fair / Fair
The famous Slurbow is Reasonably / Reasonably

Also I realize that there's even a sub type of HX's, arbalest, but if this post gets much longer I'm going to need to go to the liquor store.

Now I also posted about this regarding melee weapons under the forging system, and I don't want to spam the boards but I also don't to ask a crossbow question in the lore>smithing folder.

I've read posts of LX and HX damage testing and what I've gleaned from that is the Slurbow is far and away a huge winner, being able to hit seemingly a damage cap with even crossing bought bolts so no need for 20 plat a piece pulzones.

Finally to the questions is the balance / suitedness of the slurbow what gives it its kick? Should inadequate / not suited HX's be avoided like the plague? Are not suited HX's really getting zero benefit from your strength where even a dismally suited one would? (brings up one of my favorite concepts, 1 is infinitely greater than zero)

How unless the balance/suitedness on an HX means nothing, could a not suited crossbow (or any weapon for that matter) be anything but worthless. And if so, why are there so many sold at fests and the like.

I dunno I could probably ramble on... Im sure someone has easy answers to all of this and I'd appreciate it, but also if a GM feels like touching on any upcoming changes to HX apps or just bow/xbow apps in general... I'm all eyes.

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Re: Questions about HX Balance / Suitedness on 03/08/2012 11:16 PM CST
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<<the Slurbow is far and away a huge winner, being able to hit seemingly a damage cap with even crossing bought bolts so no need for 20 plat a piece pulzones.>>

No. If power is your goal, then the slurbow is the clear winner if you're using storebought ammo. Using super ammo it increases its hitting power substantially but no harder than the museum dragon and the crossing HX also using the same super ammo. It at least looks very much like there's a cap of sorts somewhere out there.


I don't recall any GM updates on this, and no one will swear to it in a court of law I'm sure, but players have generally agreed for some time that suitedness isn't enabled on HX yet.


>concentrate on journey

You are too busy concentrating on your journey to do that.
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Re: Questions about HX Balance / Suitedness on 03/08/2012 11:28 PM CST
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>Should inadequate / not suited HX's be avoided like the plague?

The thing is that the big, inaccurate crossbows (like the arbalest) are susupected to have an appraisal-invisible damage boost and that's why some people go for them. I've done only a little comparision, but the noticibly faster, better balanced regular heavy crossbows do more damage that the rather huge arbalest, so there might be a little something to the appraisal. You can still do plenty with the not balanced arbalest, just a bit less though.

>And if so, why are there so many sold at fests and the like.

Because they look really nice. Depending on the shop, some things at fests are nicer-looking versions of things. Style is important for killing things, not always as important as stats, but sometimes.
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LX question on 03/09/2012 08:01 AM CST
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I'm training a new barbarian in deer at the moment, will using super ammo help LX learning rates at this level or is it a waste?

Light Crossbow: 138 08%

With Buuwl I never found it to be THIS difficult to keep my crossbow moving, I'm not sure its a function of the deer as a critter or if I'm doing something wrong. I should be snap firing or poaching right? I'm using a Forester Crossbow.

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 08:25 AM CST
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>>I'm training a new barbarian in deer at the moment, will using super ammo help LX learning rates at this level or is it a waste?

Special ammo helps a LOT.
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 08:39 AM CST
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Special ammo helps a LOT.>>

Ok thanks, Ill look into it, any recommendations?

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 11:09 AM CST
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<<Ok thanks, Ill look into it, any recommendations?

I think you're asking about the types of special ammo available for crossbows. If so, you want quadrellos or pulzones (any of the varieties out there).

The two have slightly different characteristics (quads have better slice whiel pulzones have better puncture), but the preferred ammo is up to some debate. Either way, both help a ton.

As they were once described to be "quadrellos are like loading a bastard sword into your crossbow."

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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 12:35 PM CST
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In my experience deer are horrible for training LX.
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 03:38 PM CST
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<<In my experience deer are horrible for training LX. >>
Yeah I think I'm finding that out, slowly, painfully, and yeah, they suck.

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 04:56 PM CST
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Stonebow and crafted shards work best for me - shards are also non lodging and cheap so they work well.

Foresters work better for over-hunting but Stonebow for at-level and under-hunting, IMO.

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 07:40 PM CST
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>>Stonebow and crafted shards

Do shards work better than the elongated stones?

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 09:30 PM CST
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Where can I buy these shards?

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/09/2012 09:35 PM CST
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>Where can I buy these shards?

Player crafted. So trader tables possible, I had to gweth for mine. I think they were 15 plat for 15 shards (they don't lodge, so it's not like you'll lose one except for janitor and room clearing stuff).

Let's save us all some time: I'm a troll who rarely has anything helpful. There.
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 05:12 AM CST
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no/fair/somewhat moderate

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 08:13 AM CST
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I prefer spikes, but meh.
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 12:05 PM CST
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>>I prefer spikes, but meh.

Not a fan of any ammo that has puncture greater than "none/no/0" mainly because it means I'll need more ammo at the start (and have more cleanup at the end).

Non-lodging ammo means I theoretically don't even need more than one. Same reason why I prefer light blunt-themed LTs over light edged-themed LTs (throwing blades notwithstanding).
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 01:13 PM CST
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>Non-lodging ammo means I theoretically don't even need more than one. Same reason why I prefer light blunt-themed LTs over light edged-themed LTs (throwing blades notwithstanding).
>Not a fan of any ammo that has puncture greater than "none/no/0" mainly because it means I'll need more ammo at the start (and have more cleanup at the end).

your preference but I don't think your approach is optimal

total cleanup is the same for lodging and non-lodging (whether you do all at once, or after each throw). also, total number of commands entered is the same

however, you can get more total damage, in general, from things with puncture. i mean, for your lt example (ignoring blades) no way a bola can equal a light throwing axe for total damage
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 01:17 PM CST
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where can i get appraisal of various shards?
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 01:19 PM CST
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never mind. found it on elanthipedia. i'm blind. sorry.
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 02:18 PM CST
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>>no way a bola can equal a light throwing axe for total damage

Anyone have an app of a capped light throwing axe?

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 03:39 PM CST
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>total cleanup is the same for lodging and non-lodging (whether you do all at once, or after each throw). also, total number of commands entered is the same

I'll disagree, especially where stealth is concerned. Lodged ammo means lost ammo. It also means having to kill a critter to retrieve ammo if I lodge all of it, which would mean extra commands (engage, attack)

Let's save us all some time: I'm a troll who rarely has anything helpful. There.
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 04:36 PM CST
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>anyone have an app of a capped light throwing axe?

Capped for damage:

poor/heavy/s.moderate fairly/decently 37 stones

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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 08:04 PM CST
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just to add on...for comparison purpose...stealing from caraamon's elanthipedia entry, and putting into number form:

steal/lead bola:
00/01/08 05/07, 31 stones

steel/lead axe:
02/09/06 06/06, 37 stones

would love to see haralun axe
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 08:19 PM CST
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Umm, what? 8 more points of damage for 6 more stones?

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 08:22 PM CST
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p.s. the balance for the throwing axes on caraamon's site are listed as 06- fairly, but fairly in all of the other weapons are listed as 05- fairly, so not sure if that's supposed to be rank 5 or rank 6 balance for the axes.

~Leilond Learn How to PvP!
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Re: LX question on 03/10/2012 08:59 PM CST
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>>Umm, what? 8 more points of damage for 6 more stones?

That's alot more than 8 more points of damage, that it ~8 TIERS of damage (which are 5 points each)

The Axe has higher base damage since it is an ME compared to the club being LB, and I would assume also due to the stats being more spread out

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Re: LX question on 03/11/2012 01:40 AM CST
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>p.s. the balance for the throwing axes on caraamon's site are listed as 06- fairly, but fairly in all of the other weapons are listed as 05- fairly, so not sure if that's supposed to be rank 5 or rank 6 balance for the axes.

Whoops. My bad.


Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: LX question on 03/11/2012 08:56 PM CDT
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Thanks a lot now I gotta add light throwing axes to my ever expanding shopping list.

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/16/2012 08:51 PM CDT
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<<Foresters work better for over-hunting but Stonebow for at-level and under-hunting, IMO.

I definitely prefer 5 second loadtime with quadrellos (still takes about 24 minutes to lock, probably more a function of total ranks than pulse weirdness at this juncture) to basically no loadtime with the stonebow (last time I checked 22 minutes to lock), but I'll break one out sometime and see how they actually compare again. Most melee and thrown weapons lock in ~16 minutes, short bow in 21, for reference. Short bow is 150 ranks behind LX and I poach with it (but not with LX).

LX is still a huge pain and unless you're dead-set on training it (like you're a Barbarian and it's your primary weapon) I'd go a different way.
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Re: LX question on 03/16/2012 09:19 PM CDT
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The closer I get to a lower defense app with it(worthy or below), the better it gets in comparison to foresters with quads.
At this point(apping as worthy), there is no longer a comparison between them - stonebow is outperforming forester's by 3+ minutes.

Quads always get cap damage.
Shards always cap limb damage and range from 14-22 on body shots.
@ 209 LX in caracals with eagle up - snap aim on both and chaining rage-butchery-anger every 90 or so seconds.
84 agility

IM: Dannyboy00001111

"Fool proof system do not take into account the ingenuity of fools, nor the power of numbers."
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Re: LX question on 03/16/2012 09:40 PM CDT
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<<At this point(apping as worthy), there is no longer a comparison between them - stonebow is outperforming forester's by 3+ minutes.

Hm. I guess I'll see if I've still got a stonebow handy.
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Re: LX question on 03/22/2012 08:44 AM CDT
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<<LX is still a huge pain and unless you're dead-set on training it (like you're a Barbarian and it's your primary weapon) I'd go a different way.

IDK anymore Lee. I think crossbows have a huge "to hit" bonus. Which offsets the PITA training. It would be fun to test this theory if anyone cares to fill Madigan full of bolts.

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Re: LX question on 03/22/2012 05:06 PM CDT
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I've got the bolts if you got the time....


To be fair, I've always privately characterized Burn as an orbital death laser. Armifer
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Re: LX question on 03/24/2012 01:27 PM CDT
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Great. I will grab you Dierek next time we are together. I think 600 LX can blow past 900 shield with full aim using poach even with full paladin buffs up. I would like to test that theory.

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Re: LX question on 03/25/2012 06:59 AM CDT
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I don't think 600 will beat 900... It might beat 700....

- Buuwl
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Re: LX question on 03/25/2012 07:40 AM CDT
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I'll take that bet! Full aim ftw:)
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Re: LX question on 03/25/2012 09:33 AM CDT
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<<I think 600 LX can blow past 900 shield with full aim using poach even with full paladin buffs up. I would like to test that theory.>>

I think that's right, but there's a lot of other variables in there. Agility, hiding vs perception for poaching boost, paladin's evasion/reflex, type of shield (for evasion hinderance purposes). That said, I think an unbuffed 600 bow full aim will probably get by 900 shield/700 evasion pretty easily, depending on defensive buffs.

Also, in my experience, there's zero difference between LX and longbow accuracy at equal ranks (never trained comp bow or short bow) and equal balance appraisals. Don't suppose Dierik has a stick bow at level with xbow? LX and pulzones = capped bow and basilisk arrows imho.
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Re: LX question on 03/25/2012 03:23 PM CDT
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You guys should just start with 600 unbuffed, vs. 900 unbuffed, snap shop, half aim, full-aim.

Then, move into buffing?

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