LX repeater problem on 04/29/2012 03:53 PM CDT
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[You're solidly balanced and opponent has slight advantage.]
But your repeating crossbow isn't loaded!
Your repeating crossbow is already loaded with as much ammunition as it can hold.

Not sure what I'm doing wrong. It's the endprize from the ghostship quest LX repeater. Four shot. I loaded it up, put it in my backpack and it ate the bolts I guess overnight. Reloaded it and this. (I've never tried to fire it before now)

People will find you just as tedious and boring to talk to at 1000 ranks as they did at 100.
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Re: LX repeater problem on 04/29/2012 03:54 PM CDT
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PUSH your crossbow to work the action to ready a bolt.
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Re: LX repeater problem on 04/29/2012 03:59 PM CDT
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Thanks, that did the trick.

People will find you just as tedious and boring to talk to at 1000 ranks as they did at 100.
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