Repeater/bolts questions on 08/09/2013 10:07 AM CDT
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A few quick questions regarding crossbows if someone has the time.

Are repeaters worth it for training purposes? Or do you really not gain much benefit over a single loader to train? I ask because I don't really know the mechanics of them (IE does a 4 bolt repeater just have a 28 - 34 second  load time and you auto load 4 bolts? or do you load them one at a time? or does it fire multiple bolts at once such as throwing blades, or is it aim and one shot then aim again). I just want to know before I drop a few thousand plat on one whether or not its going to increase my learning speed by making more bolts get fired in a shorter timeframe, or if even with a repeater am I going to end up just loading a single bolt, aiming and shooting... also do they tend to be 9/10 base or 8/9 base.

Also, does anyone know of a shop (or trader) that regularly sells pulzones or some sort of ammo? I know for bows that ammo tends to be the bigger modifier on damage and training, so I assume for crossbows its the same, however, I have an awful habit of wandering off without all my bolts and I hate combing through all the tables and shops one place at a time to find more... That makes quadrellos out of the question since they're obscenely expensive, but I will gladly drop a few hundred plat for some pulzones and risk wandering off.

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/09/2013 10:24 AM CDT
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>>Are repeaters worth it for training purposes?

No. They're worse. You have to load (Standard RT) each bolt, and you have to prepare it for the next bolt (1-2 seconds IIRC). Same with use. You fire, then prepare the next bolt that's loaded (1-2 RT)

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/09/2013 10:36 AM CDT
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Just the answer I was looking for, thanks much.
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/09/2013 12:39 PM CDT
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I really enjoy my repeater, but I agree that it probably isn't going to save you anything.

To use the repeating crossbow you are certain you should:
LOAD - to add ammunition into the chamber.
PULL - to unready ammunition and place it in the chamber.
PUSH - to ready available ammo within the ammunition chamber.
UNLOAD - to remove ready ammunition from the crossbow.

A rapid series of clicks emanate from your repeating crossbow as small gears and gravity guide a sleek quadrello into firing position.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

You carefully load a sleek quadrello into your repeating crossbow's ammunition chamber.
Roundtime 9 sec.

So I get 4 shots from mine before I have to reload for 36 seconds...but still have 12 seconds of readying the ammo as well.
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/10/2013 02:10 AM CDT
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makes the crossbow have a longbows load time for a few shots. Be nice if they shaved a second or two off the PUSH timer

"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity suddenly moves away, giving you a wide berth! It goes without saying you'll be wanted for forbidden practices in The Rakash Village.
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/11/2013 06:04 PM CDT
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I know people used to swear by repeaters for the quick 'remove and unload 4 bolts in 8 seconds' training.

Does anyone know if that's still a viable method? Even with the current RT based learning mechanics, you should still get a decent amount of exp that way, and then swap to a regular bow?

Granted, I actually agree with the above posters, in that repeaters aren't all that...anything anymore...I'm just curious.

I'm a badger, I be badgerin'
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/11/2013 06:09 PM CDT
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>Does anyone know if that's still a viable method? Even with the current RT based learning mechanics, you should still get a decent amount of exp that way, and then swap to a regular bow?

I do this on occasion in slower hunting grounds, then reload it in between spawns.
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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/11/2013 11:54 PM CDT
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I'm a big fan of using my 10x repeater for training. 10 shots is plenty to kill 2-3 creatures and then just wait to reload all the bolts whenever there is a lull in the spawn rate. Sure the total RT is higher, but if the majority is spent when I wanted to slow down on killing mobs so that I could keep defense skills moving, it is still more efficient

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Re: Repeater/bolts questions on 08/12/2013 07:52 AM CDT
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3 shoulder slots is alot to use 3 loaded over the shoulders, and two in the hands....5 snapshots for quick training.
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