What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 02:09 PM CST
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I tried to alter one over in plat during the Magma Falls fest and got the thumbs down. Any chance we can get a ruling on what these are or what they look like? These are the go-to halberd, and it's frustrating not being able to alter or explain these, though I guess "death on a stick" works when explaining it to other adventurers.

It'd be terrific if these were available to craft when new lore comes out by the way...
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 02:53 PM CST
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this is the first result of a google image search of "khuj"... I'd imagine it looks something like this.

Next time, use the internet and research a little bit. All it takes is effort.


-Mr. Glemm
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 03:03 PM CST
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I know at least a few of them have been altered and I was planning on getting my cleric's altered when the chance comes up.

But... yeah. Another victim of "we'll make a word up and never define it".

SEND[Abasha] It warms my heart to see three people die for a cupcake.
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 04:40 PM CST
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Khujs (khujes?) don't even have a consistent damage template. Ostensibly one is even a pike. The Khuj is some kind of metaphor for everything cosmetic wrong with weapons.

"...I am inclined to think the focus of the [Warmage's] spellbook should be ways to make things explode, to help you make things explode, or to assist your victim in exploding." -Armifer
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 05:51 PM CST
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I believe the damage appraisal is the same across all versions. The pike Khuj is just terrible at over 2x the weight with the same damage and with no good slicing combo.

The slender khuj from Struan's weapons is always available, and widely used.
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 05:52 PM CST
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This thread brings to mind the weapons shop in Leth Deriel.

I just can't bring myself to wield a weapon if I have no conception of what it is.
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 08:26 PM CST
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>I guess "death on a stick" works when explaining it to other adventurers

That's pretty much what they are. I'm going to use that.
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Re: What's a khuj? on 11/23/2009 10:03 PM CST
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Pretty sure a khuj is the same as a bhuj:

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