Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 06:34 PM CDT
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I've decided not to forsake my original primary weapon skill--Light Edge--for Medium Edge weapons. I will have faith that the GameMasters will eventually get around to adding more functionality to Light Edge weapons(outside of backstabbing because that's guild only) in order to make them more viable in an end-game scenario when compared to some of the other more powerful weapon classes such as Heavy Edge and Medium Edge.
>Sighs a bit as he gives up the thought of having Great Slice with 2 RT.

My major concern is that I absolutely hate switching from my main weapons(katars) in order to parry effectively with another Light Edge weapon(because forged katars have terrible balance), but I really like the idea of making parry my primary defense because it's really the only defense that I learn at a secondary rate.

Just as a bit of background, the image that I have of my character is one who dual wields katars, and who is able to parry incredibly well because of having the two weapons.

Because of this, I'm faced with a dilemma. I need to find a Light Edge weapon that I can rely upon to train parry again, even though I really don't want to switch between my katars and another weapon--but what are you going to do, right?

So, I was wondering, what would be my best bet for a Light Edge weapon that has really good balance and construction?

Also, question--Does having a terribly balanced weapon in both hands(katars) affect one's ability to shield block with an arm worn shield effectively?

~Leilond, the one who is backtraining yet again and who is obsessed with power.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 06:43 PM CDT
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Weapon balance shouldn't affect shield at all. As far as well constructed, well balanced LEs, I don't know of any.

If I can make a suggestion, (and this is said with the HUGE DISCLAIMER that I don't claim to be an expert) you seem to always be looking for weapons that either aren't feasible (would require special metals) or just don't exist. Sometimes you can't have it every way you want. Sometimes you have to settle for, say, cheap and well balanced. Enter the jambiya. Doesn't get much cheaper than free, and while they're not well constructed or anything, I'd venture that they probably won't break on one hit, at the very least. Add in that really good construction's only important against a select number of creatures (it might be more than less on the high end - I don't know) and you don't really have to find anything that's stellar. And I think they're probably light enough, that if you afford to carry around a few extra stones, that you'll be good to go.

I dunno. It seems, if you're looking for the best all-around LE, it's the jambiya. At least that's what King Balance says.

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 06:51 PM CDT
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From Mendasity's site:
>Short Sword 10 F/L/P W/P Average Strength

I'm sure the big forgers out there make beefier ones with more damage. I'd ask around.

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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 07:29 PM CDT
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Hmm, I may just have to make my way to one of the more populated cities in search of a forger, or crank out the ol' throwing knife or jambiya from the vault.

And yes, I know I'm a spaz and I have no sense of what I want to do with my character and I apologize for that. I've gone through so many different weapon skills(Quarter Staff, Halberd, Two-Handed Blunt, Medium Edge, Tonfa Heavy Edge/Two-Handed Edge just to name a few) all in hopes of finding a main signature weapon to be known by--And they're all so lovely and I could imagine such wonderful character concepts based on all of them, that it's so hard to make up my mind!

The only one that has lasted through all of the swaying currents of my imagination though, is Dual Wielded Light Edge katars. It looks like I will never abandon my one true love(s).

~Leilond, the one who is backtraining yet again and who is obsessed with power.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 07:36 PM CDT
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Yeah, dual-wielding katars definitely puts a cool picture in my head. I do mourn w/ you over their balance.

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 08:36 PM CDT
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I don't know if this will help you- but some time ago, I got a forged short sword for my empath to parry with. The knife, while pretty, just wasn't cutting it (no pun intended!). It was Poshly-forged, and made with balance in mind. You probably can't get Poshly weapons now, but there are other very good weaponsmiths out there.

Ryeka and the brood

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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 09:29 PM CDT
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Are there any good Light Edge forger names that I could hope to find now-adays? Until I find someone, I'll be using some throwing knives(Well Balanced, Fairly Sturdy).

~Leilond, the one who is backtraining yet again and who is obsessed with power.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 10:09 PM CDT
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Fair puncture on those knives? If so, how do those compare to the jambiya?

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/09/2007 11:14 PM CDT
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Fairly sturdy is as good as it gets as far as LEs go and I'm always on the lookout for better ones so I've seen and read about most of them. LE is my main melee weapon as well and I carry 3. Katar for max damage, briquet for charging and doing my thiefly combat impersonations, heh, and a hunting knife for skinning/dancing/parrying. I used to carry a jambiya as well, though I've since vaulted it since it doesn't do nearly enough damage as the katar and with the release of parry sticks, I don't really need it (Though parrying with a weapon still works better for me and my lowly brawling ranks). It chips away nicely when dancing, but I'll probably only use it again when I have trouble connecting with the katar. Very nice overall performance though and if I could only carry one, or two of the same in your case, I'd probably go with the jambiya. I have no problem parrying with the katar, but it definately does not perform as well as the others.

If you want really good balance, I'd recommend trying out the Outcast throwing daggers. Stats are f/f/p, same as jambiya, but well balanced/poorly suited and 10 stones. It's kinda like dealing death by paper cuts though, so stamina and being sadistic helps. Works very well for shadowy types. It has average construction which I feel is the minimum you should have for a serious LE weapon.

Using LE is certainly not what it used to be and seems like it's only getting worse. It's why I've been trying to get my 2HE/HE close to LE. I just destroy crits with my 50 stone bastie. (Great weapon btw, much props to Mendasity). I'm hoping Ssra comes through with his plans for dual wielding, they seemed very promising, but as I've learned through the years, always gotta have a back-up plan. I do keep my fingers crossed that someday, I too could be dual wielding katars.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/10/2007 10:06 AM CDT
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I use a kastneth. Fair puncture/excellently balanced. I highly reccomend it for backstabbing/dancing with creatures.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/10/2007 05:27 PM CDT
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Where do you get kastneths?

~Leilond, the one who is backtraining yet again and who is obsessed with power.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/13/2007 10:47 AM CDT
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>Where do you get kastneths?

If you intend to parry even once, I'd recommend staying as far away from kastneths as possible. They are somewhat flimsy, which means they've got a good chance of breaking after a few parries.

I'm very disappointed with the current LE forging templates, and really hope some love gets shown to that weapon class during the re-write.

A forged weapon will most likely not be what you're looking for. Short of finding a kertig fist and having a short sword made from it, the highest construction you'll find for a forged LE is avg. strength. Katars are possibly the worst parrying weapons created in the game; a short sword that is Well balanced will have avg. construction, thus you run the risk of it breaking when parrying. The upside, however, is they weigh very little so you can carry around 4-5 of them and not be weighed down at all. If you don't mind spending the money for a few of them, that would be my recommendation, as the Well Balanced part of it is a boon when it comes to parrying.

If you don't want to spend the money, or can't stomach the added weight of carrying a handful of the same weapon, I'd say just pick up a jambia or a Lion Claw Throwing Dagger. They are both fairly sturdy, though I've found the jambiya to hit noticeably harder - just don't use the Attack verb with it.

Overall, my recommendation is to train up another weapon to even with LE, and keep them even. You can hope all you want for the LE weapon class to be shown some love, but if that doesn't happen then it will be nice to have a decent weapon to fall back on. If it doesn't require too much backtraining, I'd say switch to 2HE. Best damage/balance combination by leaps and bounds over any other weapon class in the game. You won't regret it.

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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/17/2007 07:59 AM CDT
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Also a decent short sword to use is the dirge stout short sword. I cant remember the stats off the top of my head...but I know they are decent enough.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 08/26/2007 04:35 PM CDT
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I've only ever broken one LE and it was a kastneth. I use jambiyas all day long and I also use the short sword from Over the Edge. I've duked it out with Ogres, Trolls, and Guardians. If there is something out there that is more apt apt to break a weapon than a guardian, I dunno. For the longest I just went with a stout short sword. This might not necessarily answer the balance issue, but try breaking one of those things.
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Re: Best Balance/Construction LE on 09/22/2007 11:57 AM CDT
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Edgee. He has over 900 in LE and makes the best LE around as far as I know. They are pricy but from what I understand of them they are worth the coin if you want the best there is.
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