I am still more than a bit entranced by the idea of a 'Gnomish Knosa-Zaya'. I tried to be fair and account for the logically nasty Construction hit. I took a look at other weapons on elanthipedia to try to hash this out and I read a tempered Construction value of 17 for every weapon that I looked at. That said, I forge by far more armor than I do weapons. I’m going for forge-competitive yet lackluster damage in exchange for downright famous Balance values. [Sylvaeus sticks his head in through the arch within the Forging Society Building and cries out (hopefully loud enough to be heard over the pounding) for Caraamon , GM-Kodius, and other smiths to tweak this!]
This also introduces the “gnomish spring” Engineering item that might be used to create other items, too, perhaps? The Roundtime inflicted when using SWAP to go from spear back to staff would be influenced by the traits of this spring and the Strength of the wielder. I figure a short RT would be logical. [I imagine gently pressing the weapon against the ground/surface or maybe even boulder/barrel /furniture if you want to be fancy about it and simply leaning in and pushing it back into place.]
After both parts are done, ASSEMBLE GNOMISH SPRING WITH KNOSA-ZAYA to make it a functional item.
The Quarterstaff would be Two-Handed Melee and the Spear Two-Handed Pole weapons.
Weapon Volumes: 8. Discipline = Weaponsmithing. Difficulty = 10
Spring Volumes: 2. Discipline = Tinkering. Difficulty=???
10 Volume Weapon Total Regarding Weight
Baseline Stats, Tempered:
Slash- 1, Peirce- 3, Impact- 10
Suitedness – 5, Balance – 12
Construction – 11
Slash- 8, Peirce- 9, Impact- 6 {hopefully this ensures slash/pierce messaging}
Suitedness- 7, Balance- 10
Construction- 10