Light Plate on 01/30/2003 03:35 AM CST
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So, a few questions. First: Is Light Plate a decent skill at all? Also, what's a good way to start learning LP as an armor, without doing the Patchwork Piecemeal annoyance that everyone is doing nowadays? A relatively low hindrance piece so I can start out if I decide to do it.. I'm looking at a HC/LP combo right now. Oh.. funds are not limitless, not even really GOOD... so from what I can tell, all this forged stuff is mostly out of my price range a while.
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Re: Light Plate on 01/30/2003 07:52 AM CST
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Bah! People are so weak nowadays! Whatever happened to putting on the heaviest piece of crap metal you could find whether LP or HP and absorbing the hits! <cackles>

Well.. no, i'm not serious... I can't expect anyone to want to start that way. But its the way I started <chuckles>

Honestly, I cannot help you, since I don't use LP... but surely someone will be along shortly :)

Troubadour Raziaar
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Re: Light Plate on 01/30/2003 09:36 AM CST
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I love light plate, but I've been know to like some of the stranger/less used armors and weapons. To start out just buy a metal breastplate from the Crossing armory. The one problem that I do have with light plate is its lack of decent covering armor. For example the breastplate is the only type of LP body armor that I know of, and it only covers chest, abdomen, and back. Unlike most other starting armors, where you can get a chain shirt or leather coat which protects the arms also. Now if you have HC body armor already, then you can get an armet helm from stone clan which is a LP helm, and some bronze gauntlets from Haven which are also LP. That'll get your LP workign too :) Hope that helped some

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Re: Light Plate on 01/30/2003 01:29 PM CST
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I wouldnt recommend switching to LP headgear in the middle of your training... If you do your going to get stunned alot. Get some LP forged gauntlets or some other non-critc body cover

as for usefulness, eh Im just getting them ranks for tdps and forgin
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Re: Light Plate on 01/30/2003 03:24 PM CST
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Right now I have a full-suit of HC (No gaunts, no helm). And since I'm pretty conservative in hunting I don't really get beaten up alot, I just don't get much cash, and don't advance as fast as most. Thanks for the suggestion(s)! Armet helm and bronze gauntlets would be a good way to start I think. I'll figure out more when I have ranks to wear more.
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Re: Light Plate on 01/31/2003 05:09 PM CST
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Pick up a pair of forged LP gauntlets they protect the same as HP ones. As far as wearing LP for the body I wouldn't reccomend it as a main armor for the simple fact that the impact protection will not get a base above "low". Perhaps when forging 2.0 comes out this will chaneg and armors will be fixed in a manner that their stats actually make sense. For now just use the gauntlets and hope for the best in the future.

If you are adamant about Lp body armor either me or Humm can provide you with a breastplate at 250 stones/ fair hinderance, with the following app (I think, its been a while since I made one and don't have my notes here): m/h g/h l/h g/g f/g p/g

--Just a "clueless" Squire
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Re: Light Plate on 02/01/2003 05:58 PM CST
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I'm not really adamant about it... I'm just poking at the idea. Frankly, LP is the armor which bestows the most interest in me for style purposes. I wish it wasn't so bad that everyone insists that it's worthless.
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Re: Light Plate on 02/01/2003 10:55 PM CST
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Ponders... it is worthless, cept for greaves and gauntlets have some merit. Otherwise you are better off in LC or HC.

There just isn't room in the stratification of armor protection for LP to have any value. If you could get away with the mix and match thing LP greaveas and LP gauntlets with an HC shirt would be a good thing.

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Light Plate on 07/08/2005 04:26 AM CDT
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Is there a light plate helm anywhere in the Realms that protects head and eyes, leaving the neck free?


Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
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Re: Light Plate on 07/08/2005 08:42 AM CDT
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Not that I'm aware of, and I've been looking all available store bought armors of late. I've not made it to the isles yet but on the mainland no.

Ranger Hanryu _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, Sword of House Calibanor
(I'll trade all my titles for just ONE last name, well almost all of em)
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Re: Light Plate on 07/08/2005 11:16 AM CDT
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A forged bascinet helm protects just head, and apps pretty good
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Re: Light Plate on 07/11/2005 04:12 AM CDT
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LP helms protect head only, head and neck, or head neck and eyes. However, LP helms have very poor protection values. I recommend working with gauntlets, greaves, or both if you plan on training LP along with something else.

Cavalier Calemnon, Knight of Therengia
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Re: Light Plate on 07/12/2005 02:38 AM CDT
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Thanks for the advice.

Our bodies are apt to be our autobiographies - Frank Gillette Burgess
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Re: Light Plate on 09/24/2005 10:06 PM CDT
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Rats do not teach LC if you are wearing anything else. I had this same problem when training all armors on a newer character. Once I moved to pothaints, everything went perfectly.
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Re: Light Plate on 09/26/2005 08:52 AM CDT
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>Rats do not teach LC if you are wearing anything else.

Wrong. If you were wearing LC gloves, or something which didn't offer any significant portion of hindrance in comparison to everything else, you weren't learning for that reason. Any critter teaches any weapon/armor

There will be options to pick from. There will rarely be a case where the NPC says, "Here is your sword, go have fun."
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Heavy or Light Plate Helm on 08/03/2007 01:22 PM CDT
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I'm a bit lost trying to find HP or preferably LP helm that covers neck, eyes and the head that's store-bought... any ideas?

A fire sprite calls out to you, inviting you to journey with her.
>kiss sprite
A fire sprite leaps forward and kisses you in return, searing the flesh on your face!
Stunned for 5 seconds!
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Re: Heavy or Light Plate Helm on 08/03/2007 01:36 PM CDT
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The Dirge bassinet is better than most forged light plate head gear I've seen. I'm pretty sure for HP a forged great helm is best though. Of course you can check the CEC for more info.

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
Keeper of the CEC
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Re: Heavy or Light Plate Helm on 08/03/2007 02:00 PM CDT
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Excellent, thanks.

A fire sprite calls out to you, inviting you to journey with her.
>kiss sprite
A fire sprite leaps forward and kisses you in return, searing the flesh on your face!
Stunned for 5 seconds!
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Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 12:16 PM CST
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Where can I find some, store bought?

Player of Gilart
Everything written by this poster is non-guaranteed, use or accept at your own risk. All information is accessed from posters limited brain power unless log is provided.
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 12:35 PM CST
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Click the link.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 12:43 PM CST
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Checked, no LP suits in the list. Any chance there are full suits available? Or do I have to piece meal it?

Player of Gilart
Everything written by this poster is non-guaranteed, use or accept at your own risk. All information is accessed from posters limited brain power unless log is provided.
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 12:45 PM CST
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The only full LP suits available were just sold in the WM tent at the Leth fest. For storebought you need to go piecemeal. I suggest mixing LP leg and hand accessories with a HP helm and half plate.

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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 07:35 PM CST
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Armor/Hinderance experts out there.

When I compare a suit of Gleaming Silver-White Plate (HP) which is marked as Overwhelming hinderance. But I build a suit of LP which is a few Mod hinderance, Insig for the legs, is the equation (Moderate + Moderate + Moderate + Insig)? Or a bit of an average?

Player of Gilart
Everything written by this poster is non-guaranteed, use or accept at your own risk. All information is accessed from posters limited brain power unless log is provided.
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/15/2008 09:07 PM CST
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>>When I compare a suit of Gleaming Silver-White Plate (HP) which is marked as Overwhelming hinderance. But I build a suit of LP which is a few Mod hinderance, Insig for the legs, is the equation (Moderate + Moderate + Moderate + Insig)? Or a bit of an average?

Each piece has its own set hindrance. They're all added together for your overall hindrance (that message considering all the armor and shields). So that suit of LP could conceivably reach the same level of hindrance as the overwhelming GSWP. Hope that helps.

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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/16/2008 03:35 AM CST
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>So that suit of LP could conceivably reach the same level of hindrance as the overwhelming GSWP.

This is only true if you have 0 armor ranks. If you had enough skill to bring moderate down to insignificant or light, your overall hinderance would be under moderate with the piece set, while you would still be very highly hindered with the overwhelming suit.

On my Paladin with an armor spread of fair + fair + light + fair + insignificant, I was insignificantly hindered with less than 100 ranks in any of the four armor types represented. This did wonders for my evasion compared to wearing one big body piece which my skill couldn't cope with.

~ Sage Kougen Aensworth, Star Shaper of the Compact

Ruea says, "I swear, I'm forsaking Damaris and building an altar to you."
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/18/2008 08:29 PM CST
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Alright, in my LP suit (with HP Gaunts and Helm) I am Extremely hindered, is that beyond overwhelming? or between Great and overwhelming?

Player of Gilart
Everything written by this poster is non-guaranteed, use or accept at your own risk. All information is accessed from posters limited brain power unless log is provided.
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/18/2008 09:41 PM CST
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Gilart, if your still on, send me an IM at "Warmie Ndin"

-Master Ndin

Honestly, if there's any fear of smithing competition, it should be from nutzo warrior mages like Ndin who train every weapon and put in impressive hours in the forge. -Aveda
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Re: Light Plate Suits on 01/21/2008 04:10 PM CST
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Ndin, thanks again for my new suit of armor, it is working out quite nicely. It was nice having that chest piece going from highly hindering to moderate hindering. Take care!

Player of Gilart
Everything written by this poster is non-guaranteed, use or accept at your own risk. All information is accessed from posters limited brain power unless log is provided.
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Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 11:55 AM CDT
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If I'm wearing Light Chain Torso and Leather Accessories, will switching my arm armor to Light Plate negatively impact my stealth?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 11:59 AM CDT
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>will switching my arm armor to Light Plate negatively impact my stealth?

The short answer is yes.

The real question you should ask is, will it matter? If you add the plate and can still do all the stealth stuff you normally do against the critters you are hunting without a noticeable effect, then why not add it? Don't forget it will also affect evasion. If you plan to use stealth in a Pv.P situation, I'd stay away from plate.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 12:22 PM CDT
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>If I'm wearing Light Chain Torso and Leather Accessories, will switching my arm armor to Light Plate negatively impact my stealth?

Stealing from a thread on Smelly Cat and adding some commentary:

Stealth hindrince (as a percent of the piece of armor's base hinderance):
leather 5%
chain 35%
plate 50%
shield 5%

Each piece of armor your wear contributes its own stealth hinderance, which can not be trained down. So, yes, it'll negatively impact your stealth.

The ladies would love it if I shape shifted into a bear while we were making sweet sweet love. That benefit alone would make shape shifting worth it.

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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 06:29 PM CDT
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Stealth hindrince (as a percent of the piece of armor's base hinderance):
leather 5%
chain 35%
plate 50%
shield 5%

Let me see if I understand this correctly. If I were to put on any piece of plate armor(gloves, boots, helm, whatever), I would automatically sacrifice 50% of my stealth ranks?

Or is that 50% under the pretense of if I were to be in a full suit of plate?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 06:36 PM CDT
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No, 50% of the armor's base hinderance (calculated per piece of armor) would be added to your overall stealth hinderance, which, when totaled, would be subtracted from your hiding ranks. The actual penalty would vary by armor/armor combo.
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 06:37 PM CDT
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>Or is that 50% under the pretense of if I were to be in a full suit of plate?

It means if you appraise the piece of armor and see that it appears to impose "high maneuvering hinderance" then it has a flat 50% of high maneuvering hinderance for stealth.

~ Sage Kougen Aensworth, Star Shaper of the Compact

Ruea says, "I swear, I'm forsaking Damaris and building an altar to you."
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 06:45 PM CDT
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Thanks for the info. I guess the major concern I have is that my arms keep getting damaged to the point that I can't juggle or play instruments. It has to stop.

The armor I'm currently wearing on my arms are...

>app my armbands

The leather armbands are leather armor.

The armbands look like they offer protection for the following areas:

right arm
left arm

You feel certain that some soft tan leather armbands appear to impose light maneuvering hindrance and offers:
low protection and fair damage absorption for puncture attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for slice attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for impact attacks.
poor protection and fair damage absorption for fire attacks.
low protection and fair damage absorption for cold attacks.
fair protection and fair damage absorption for electrical attacks.

If you were only maneuvering in some soft tan leather armbands you would be unhindered.
But considering all the armor and shields you are wearing or carrying, you are currently lightly hindered.

You are certain that the leather armbands are of average strength, and are in pristine condition.

The leather armbands are fairly soft.
You are certain that the leather armbands weighs about 40 stones.
You are certain that the leather armbands are worth exactly 45 dokoras.
Roundtime: 8 seconds.

Right now, all I'm concerned about is helping to protect my arms. I came to this folder because I figured plate had the best protection.

Do you all have any recommendations on which armor I should use on just my arms in order to help protect them?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 07:09 PM CDT
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Why don't you switch to a chain shirt (torso +arms) or wear chain vambraces? It will protect your arms a LOT better than that.

-Paladin Eeary Kakler
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 07:32 PM CDT
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>>Why don't you switch to a chain shirt (torso +arms) or wear chain vambraces? It will protect your arms a LOT better than that.

Ohh really? How much better are we talking? Should I ask about that in the chain folder?

~Leilond - Working up to Galren and Mazrian
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/12/2008 08:09 PM CDT
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A ton better, as in 2-3 full step upgrades in protection and absorption. Depending on the armor used.


True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost.

Arthur Ashe
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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/13/2008 09:22 AM CDT
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>A ton better, as in 2-3 full step upgrades in protection and absorption. Depending on the armor used.

Yeah, that appraisal you posted is horrible.

Basically, if you're planning on using stealth I'd avoid plate (Hanryu will disagree, I'm assuming). Stick with LC or HC, as they have the same % of stealth hinderance.

The ladies would love it if I shape shifted into a bear while we were making sweet sweet love. That benefit alone would make shape shifting worth it.

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Re: Light Plate Arms on 03/14/2008 08:31 AM CDT
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> Basically, if you're planning on using stealth I'd avoid plate (Hanryu will disagree, I'm assuming).

Hah! I love my plate gauntlets for punching something in the face, but when it comes time to snipe they go in my backpack. I think it's perfectly in character for Hanryu to adjust his armor setup to match the task at hand. I always wear the leather coat, but everything else gets changed around to suit what I'm training. That which does not adapt does not survive.

~Hanryu Ves'Shomis
Sword of House Calibanor, Ambassador of the Ilithi Court, Emerald Knight, Keeper of the CEC, ... still a Ranger
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