re: Combat Update on 07/19/2014 12:21 PM CDT
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Did some testing. Seems to work fine. Love some of the messaging. Two bugs I found.

"The mace lands a strong hit that spainfully zaps the left arm."

This one just seems awkward: "The mace lands an extremely heavy hit that the purple mace trails sparks as the blow vaporizes the warklin's chest into a rain of blood and bone."

One thing is tactics. Be nice if changed to use affinity moves as I was getting jab and slice moves since the mace provided appraises as:
You are certain that it could do:
low puncture damage
poor slice damage
no impact damage
no fire damage
no cold damage
very great electric damage with affinity for impact attacks

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re: Combat Update on 07/19/2014 12:26 PM CDT
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What kind of mace is that that does no impact damage?
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re: Combat Update on 07/19/2014 03:26 PM CDT
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>What kind of mace is that that does no impact damage?

I'm guessing it's more like a cattle prod?

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re: Combat Update on 07/19/2014 03:56 PM CDT
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> What kind of mace is that that does no impact damage?

All the impact was converted into electrical damage.
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re: Combat Update on 07/19/2014 08:11 PM CDT
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Was this testing done on the test server?

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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re: Combat Update on 07/20/2014 09:24 AM CDT
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>>Was this testing done on the test server?


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re: Combat Update on 07/22/2014 05:45 AM CDT
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Is this live in Prime now? I just started seeing messaging I haven't seen before. E.g.:

< Moving as one fluid extension of power, you feint a cudgel at a musk hog. A musk hog fails to evade, failing miserably.
The cudgel lands an ineffective strike to the hog's head.
[You're adeptly balanced and in strong position.]

< Driving in with naturally fluid movements, you jab a cudgel at a musk hog. A musk hog fails to evade, taking the full blow.
The cudgel lands a gentle hit to the hog's abdomen.
[You're nimbly balanced and have slight advantage.]

Elanthipedia -
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re: Combat Update on 07/22/2014 05:58 AM CDT
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Nevermind... took me a while to find the GM post (it's over in General Discussions, not here in Combat) and it says it's live in Prime. For some reason I had thought it said it was only on Test.

That said, this message is a bit wonky:

* Moving well, a musk hog leaps, bellowing wildly, its teeth bared in rage at you. You barely fail to block with crocodile-skin buckler.
The teeth lands a benign hit to your right leg.
[You're solidly balanced with opponent in good position.]

It should be, "The teeth land a benign hit." Also, when I hit something with my cudgel it sometimes messages as a cudgel, but sometimes as a haft. Is that intended? I haven't noticed it with other weapons I've used, and I'm using the cudgel in my off hand if that makes a difference. E.g.:

< Moving in with powerful grace, you slam a cudgel haft at a musk hog. A musk hog attempts to dodge, failing miserably.
The haft lands a hard (6/23) hit that swats at the hog's left hand but not really hurting it.
[You're nimbly balanced and in very strong position.]
[Roundtime 3 sec.]

Elanthipedia -
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re: Combat Update on 07/22/2014 01:52 PM CDT
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I don't think the haft thing is new, is it? Pommel bashing was around for awhile I thought.

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re: Combat Update on 07/22/2014 02:02 PM CDT
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<<I don't think the haft thing is new, is it? Pommel bashing was around for awhile I thought.

You are correct, sir. I went back and searched some logs and found that messaging at least several months ago. Odd that I never noticed it until today.

Elanthipedia -
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re: Combat Update on 07/23/2014 08:42 AM CDT
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Only the glancing blow messaging changes are live in Prime. Messaging updates for effectiveness of the attack are only in Test still.

And those messaging quirks you posted go far back before I was on staff :P

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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re: Combat Update on 07/23/2014 09:59 PM CDT
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>>DR-Kodius: Only the glancing blow messaging changes are live in Prime. Messaging updates for effectiveness of the attack are only in Test still.

Is there a list of all of the glancing blow messaging (hits that do no damage)?


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re: Combat Update on 07/23/2014 10:22 PM CDT
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I really think the 'benign' messaging is bad at best. If we are talking about cancer.. okay.. but not if someone is hitting me. It just reads really weird.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 01:38 AM CDT
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> Is there a list of all of the glancing blow messaging (hits that do no damage)?

Here are the ones I've seen:

brushing hit
brushing strike
grazing blow
grazing strike
glancing blow
glancing strike
harmless blow
harmless strike
benign hit
ineffective strike
skimming strike
gentle hit
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 10:34 AM CDT
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>>I really think the 'benign' messaging is bad at best.

Benign just means not harmful. The term existed before its medical applications.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 10:42 AM CDT
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<<Benign just means not harmful. The term existed before its medical applications.

Except that outside of the medical context it means gentle or kind, not harmless. I suspect most people, however, know the term from the context of cancer more than the original definition and tend to use it with the meaning of harmless, which means this will likely be a word that has its official meaning updated in the near future. Or at least be a candidate for it.

All of that said, I'm perfectly happy with its use in this situation and don't find it jarring at all.

Elanthipedia -
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 10:45 AM CDT
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>>Except that outside of the medical context it means gentle or kind, not harmless.

Hell, a gentle strike is even funnier.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 12:14 PM CDT
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<<Hell, a gentle strike is even funnier.>>

I was thinking more of an affectionate strike.

--Just a Squire
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 01:22 PM CDT
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Its not a valid use of benign for me, but im not sure why. I dont think the word can modify attificial nouns? My best guess as to why. Benign grass, benign sky, benign tremor are okay, benign car, benign mug, benign slap are not.

But your dialect may vary.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 01:37 PM CDT
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>>I dont think the word can modify artificial nouns? My best guess as to why. Benign grass, benign sky, benign tremor are okay, benign car, benign mug, benign slap are not.

I've never heard that rule with the word benign, but that troll claw gently caressing your face is 100% natural.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 02:28 PM CDT
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gentle is weird as well. I would never describe myself as gently hitting someone unless I was demonstrating/acting or something. It just doesn't work with the context of something actually trying to kill you.

And benign only means 'not harmful' in medical terms -- specifically regarding cancer.. In all other context it would mean kind or gentle and would never be used to describe a type of attack. It just doesn't make sense.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 02:50 PM CDT
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<<And benign only means 'not harmful' in medical terms >>

Maybe getting attacked with a weapon makes it a medical term...

--Just a Squire
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 02:58 PM CDT
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Yeah... no.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 02:58 PM CDT
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Gentle hit and benign hit scan just fine for me. I guess this comes back to the fact that english has more synonyms than any respectable language could need, and no one can ever agree on the subtle differences between them.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 03:13 PM CDT
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>I've never heard that rule with the word benign, but that troll claw gently caressing your face is 100% natural.

I doubt it's a real rule, at least it's how it exists in my lexicon and it probably has to do with the class of words it belongs to and not benign itself... but I couldn't tell you what that is! Just the bored ruminations of a linguist.

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 03:17 PM CDT
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>>I would never describe myself as gently hitting someone unless I was demonstrating/acting or something. It just doesn't work with the context of something actually trying to kill you.

You wouldn't describe a hit that way because you'd hope you'd do more than just a gentle touch.

But, history (and combat messaging!) is determined by the victor, and in the case of a gentle strike the striker clearly lost to the strike-ee.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 03:44 PM CDT
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And they still wouldn't call it benign.

If the victor is writing the history... I can think of a dozen words that would get me in trouble with the forum trolls that would be used long before they perused a dictionary or thesaurus and found 'benign.'

I would never refer to any kind of hit or attack as benign regardless of my intention or hope.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 03:58 PM CDT
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>>And they still wouldn't call it benign.

Sure they would. Because they're jerks, and they like rubbing salt in the wound.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 04:20 PM CDT
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Geez, Kodius tries to do something nice like release new combat messaging and all we do is argue over whether some of the words are appropriate. Go us.

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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 04:37 PM CDT
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>>Geez, Kodius tries to do something nice like release new combat messaging and all we do is argue over whether some of the words are appropriate. Go us.

I don't know if I like the word argue. What about bicker? Debate? Philosophical fart-battle!

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 05:17 PM CDT
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I appreciate his efforts.. but just because he does 'something' doesn't mean it couldn't be better or doesn't have flaws.. and he asked about feedback.

We could also call it a benign argument. And that would work lol. There, using either definition, benign works ;)
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 06:50 PM CDT
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Nothing against Kodisu or what he does for us as players (he does a lot), but what exactly is he doing that's considered nice for us by expanding hit messaging? I didn't get a Christmas morning feel when it was announced. Help me understand how this is a perk for us.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 07:23 PM CDT
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Arguing, really? I saw it as banter. Some people have way to thin of skins.

I like the new messaging, it expands the richness of combat. I think some people forget that one of the major draws of this game is how extensive/rich the various systems are.

--Just a Squire
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 07:49 PM CDT
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Adding in words that don't really fit doesn't make it richer. Adding more just to add more doesn't necessarily make it better.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 07:51 PM CDT
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Yep, there was already 3 hit levels that did no damage. What exactly is the purpose for more?
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 07:57 PM CDT
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Quick question on the new no-damage messaging (or all no-damage messaging) - is there a hierarchy, or is the adjective chosen randomly?
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 08:32 PM CDT
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Heh, Ya'll are silly.

I was experimenting with modifying the Combat Messaging System to learn how it was used, and thought adding more messaging to every aspect of the system might be nice for folks after a decade+ of seeing the same stuff over and over... when my other changes went out, a few of these messages unexpectedly were released. It was not intended but I thought we'd leave it and see what folks thought. I'll take another look at it this weekend.

"I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories instead of theories to suit facts."
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 09:26 PM CDT
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>I was experimenting with modifying the Combat Messaging System to learn how it was used

Any chance we could see a change to the "arm/hand/leg hits" on creatures without limbs? Or, things like vipers and serpents getting back up on their feet after being knocked over?

Not a super important thing, so no need to take time away from other stuff. Just one of those things that kinda distracts from the immersion to me. If all creatures use the same messaging, would there even be a way to set up separate and specific messaging that some creatures use? IE: fin hits instead of arm hits for aquatic creatures like sharks, no limb hits for snakes, etc.

You skillfully remove the vanilla cheesecake from your abdomen leaving the wound no worse than it was before.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 10:08 PM CDT
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>and thought adding more messaging to every aspect of the system might be nice for folks after a decade+ of seeing the same stuff over and over...

Quoted for truth.

Being that DR is a prose-driven game, messaging upgrades like this are equivilant to graphical updates... I was pretty excited by this addition!
The benign example is weird but that's like... I just chalk it up to dialectical differences, doesn't actually bug me. (Unlike tanzanite and andalusite. AH! INCOHERENT RAGE FOREVER!)

>Forgive my snark, but welcome to the life of a warrior mage.
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re: Combat Update on 07/24/2014 10:28 PM CDT
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>>thought adding more messaging to every aspect of the system might be nice for folks after a decade+ of seeing the same stuff over and over

I'd definitely like to see more variety in the messaging tiers. In the end, I might genie sub to just know what is a small tier vs a big tier hit, but variety is nice.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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