No More RT Reduction on 08/07/2014 06:34 PM CDT
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So I was thinking about some of the major imbalances in weapon types earlier, and it occurred to me that RT is one of the major issues.

So why not just simply remove RT reduction due to stats and standardize it based on weight. This would allow much easier normalizing of DPS, since you'll always know how much RT there is, rather than having to figure out what it is when first using or at max level and such.

This would also allow extending the RT scale a bit, rather than just having 1 or 2 seconds difference between them.

At that point, Strength and Stamina would determine fatigue loss for a weapon, which in some ways devalues them a bit, but for an overall better system.

I probably haven't thought this out enough, but here it is.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/07/2014 07:22 PM CDT
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So a 30 stone 2HE performs the same as a 30 stone SE?

Even though the 2HE will have better stats?
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/07/2014 10:28 PM CDT
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No, he's referencing normalizing Roundtime, meaning a 30 stone 2HE would be swung at the same speed as a 30 stone SE. The 2HE would still land harder hits because of its damage capabilities.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/07/2014 10:46 PM CDT
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>So a 30 stone 2HE performs the same as a 30 stone SE?
>Even though the 2HE will have better stats?

It would swing at the same rate, yes.

And in theory, based on the way forging works, they're be approximately the same in stats, though the 2HE would have a minor edge due to it's 2-hand bonus. It would just be distributed differently.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/07/2014 11:22 PM CDT
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Caraamon, no offense intended, but that theory is so far from the truth that its laughable and as a forger I would think you would instantly see that. And you dont even need to go to an extreme like from SE to 2HE to see it. Take a throwing club and a throwing hammer (SB and HB) and make them at 30 stones and look at the appraisals. The larger templates would be superior to similar smaller templates nearly 100% of the time if a given weight could be hit with either. Some examples would be slightly and others more drastic, but the point here is that it would take effort to find a case where that DIDNT hold true (if any exist at all). Im not against a new metric for roundtimes and weapons but this particular version would need a total rebalance of weapon templates to accompany it and god help the game for all weapons that exist now that wouldnt be retroactively changed. And semblance of avoiding "this is best, use this" for every given weapon template type would vanish and the only place for the smaller volume templates would be to hit a weight that a larger one could not hit.

Just my 2 cents.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 01:09 AM CDT
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>And you dont even need to go to an extreme like from SE to 2HE to see it. Take a throwing club and a throwing hammer (SB and HB) and make them at 30 stones and look at the appraisals. The larger templates would be superior to similar smaller templates nearly 100% of the time if a given weight could be hit with either. Some examples would be slightly and others more drastic, but the point here is that it would take effort to find a case where that DIDNT hold true (if any exist at all).

Okay, lets take a throwing club and a throwing hammer. Weight 30, material rare metals:

LB: 00/01/09 07/05/07
HB: 00/00/11 09/06/06

Now you're right, even within the unknown 5 point ranges we work with, the hammer comes out a bit better... until you remember that throwing clubs cap at 2-3 seconds per throw and throwing hammers cap at 3-4 seconds. This means that throwing hammers have roughly 70% the speed of a throwing club.

See note 1 for more examples.

When you adjust for the relative minimum RTs of each category, you reach a roughly approximation, if you discount armor and barriers, which is a separate issue that requires whole different conversation.

Now the question becomes that if they're balanced, why bother making any changes. It's because they're balanced for end game, the point where all weapons have reached minimum RT. This would address that issue and make them balanced along the entire lifetime of the weapon, not just the end.

>Im not against a new metric for roundtimes and weapons but this particular version would need a total rebalance of weapon templates to accompany it and god help the game for all weapons that exist now that wouldnt be retroactively changed.

I can't speak for non-crafted weapons, as I pay little attention to them, but I believe crafted weapons are already fairly well balanced, as previously explained.

>And semblance of avoiding "this is best, use this" for every given weapon template type would vanish and the only place for the smaller volume templates would be to hit a weight that a larger one could not hit.

I'm not understanding how this follows.

Note 1: More examples.

cutlass and broadsword, 44 in steel.

ME: 03/09/07 04/04/09
HE: 02/11/06 03/05/08

war club and horseman's flail, 44 in steel.

MB: 00/03/11 08/03/09
HB: 00/02/13 10/03/10

dao and broadsword, 37 stones in rare metals:

LE: 02/08/06 03/03/10
HE: 02/11/05 03/06/07

Note 2: I haven't put and one handed vs. two handed because it becomes much more difficult to compare them as there's a lot more than differences that crop up. Higher minimum RTs, two hands required, and interference between shield and 2 handers, all of these changed the end weighting of 2 handed stats.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 09:32 AM CDT
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So weight is essentially mass...

But length of the weapon also is something to consider.

So should it be by weight within a category?

It's going to take you longer to swing a Twohanded hammer, then it will a hammer set up for swinging with one hand.

(It's also why Ninjas used shorter weapons, faster speed).

Just throwing it out there for some consideration [not a big time forger].

"I think anything that forces you to do something no sane adventurer would do just in order to train is ridiculous."

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 10:21 AM CDT
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>So should it be by weight within a category?

You mean almost exactly like the system we have no? :-D

I like the current setup honestly. I feel light/small weapons get the shaft hard enough as is, and this change would simply reduce what little penalty there is for large weapons.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 10:47 AM CDT
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>this change would simply reduce what little penalty there is for large weapons.

People keep saying this, but I'm stumped as to how any of this would change, with the proposal.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 11:17 AM CDT
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If I'm understanding your suggestion right, then why would anyone ever use anything smaller than LE/LB weapons outside of Thieves, and Necros who have to train SE for guild reqs/abilities?
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 11:40 AM CDT
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>If I'm understanding your suggestion right, then why would anyone ever use anything smaller than LE/LB weapons outside of Thieves, and Necros who have to train SE for guild reqs/abilities?

I'm not sure why anyone would use anything?

If a weapon did 5 times the damage, it would have 5 times the RT. There wouldn't be any mechanical reason to use anything over another.

Which is in theory what we have now, but only applies to minimum RT situations.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 11:45 AM CDT
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The only thing I see possibly being an issue is that it makes strength less useful and makes stamina even more important early on.

I would be in favor of increasing the strength bonus to damage to give a reason to train strength along with making all weapons always have their min RT. They're already balanced for min RT, you just don't hit it until you've got a certain amount of strength/stamina.

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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 11:59 AM CDT
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I've always chosen ME mostly for the lower minimum RT and the decent damage stats. If I can swing a 30 stone broadsword just as quick as a 30 stone dao/scimitar then I would never choose a SE weapon ever again unless I had to for reqs/abilities. Damage stats contribute far more than balance/suitedness in 3.0+ combat and the larger weapons will always have a damage stat advantage over smaller weapons.

If balance/suitedness were redone to make a substantial difference between SE/LE then maybe I could see this doing more than making SE an even more useless skill than it is now. Without it the only real choice is whether you want a one-handed or two-handed weapon, then find the biggest weapon at the weight/RT you want.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 12:49 PM CDT
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>I feel light/small weapons get the shaft hard enough as is

I disagree. I think small weapons are the most underrated weapon types. I think barriers are the cause of any underperformance people are experiencing. If anything, I think "large" weapons (not 2-handers) are in a weird place because most have damage comparable to a medium edged weapon but they have the RT of a two-hander. Overall, however, I feel like all weapons are pretty well balanced against each other.

Let me see if I can do a quick BS experiment against very good plate armor, which is SE's greatest weakness... Alright, so here's 15 swings with a 36 stone HCS ME with 18 overall points of damage:

Template: Scimitar
Weight: 36 stones
Metal: HCS
Damage stats: 18 points overall
Average vitality hit per slice: 2.2%
Min slice RT: 3
Damage per RT: .73%

Template: Greatsword
Weight: 109 stones
Metal: HCS
Damage stats: 36 points overall
Average vitality hit per slice: 3.3%
Min slice RT: 4
Damage per RT: .83%

The vit numbers were pretty consistent, but this doesn't factor things like stats which are supposed to affect accuracy and damage which is why I called it a BS experiment. The slicing character had pretty even stats but his stats were relatively low.

So... 2HE does indeed do more damage and with 120 strength I'm sure there's more than a .1% difference in damage per RT against plate so why doesn't everyone just use 2HE? Well, there are other things to consider such as the limited 2HE template types. You can come close to finding a 2HE thruster, for instance, but there's no real 2HE thruster. Also, those massive damage weapons have very low balance, making accuracy noticeably worse when wielding them unless you have a surplus of ranks to back it up. And then there's the 2HE penalty when used with a shield. Strength and agility are also factors since most of us aren't 100-every-stat characters yet. Gnomes aren't going to swing a 100+ stone greatsword for a good long time.

What does SE have going for it, especially against heavy armor even though so few creatures and people actually use the heaviest armors? With HLC strength and a weapon the size of a house, 2HE is unbeatable on damage, after all. Well, for one, SE has better overall templates which means you can have SE jabbers and slicers and thrown weapons to 2HE's slicers only. SE has the most accurate thrusters, which can be paired with 1 RT jabs for character balance/position building. You can sword-and-board with a small edged weapon, and there's no shield penalty.

Large edged, on the other hand, has many of the advantages of SE, but I'm betting it does less overall damage per RT. Every other weapon type not "large" is pretty well balanced IMO. I like the idea of changing the way RT works if it means making large edged better and I'm not primarily a large edged user (fortunately). I usually use 2-handers or small weapons as primary weapons on my characters.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 01:01 PM CDT
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Caraamon, these are the 2 things you said that make what I am saying true.

#1 - Now you're right, even within the unknown 5 point ranges we work with, the hammer comes out a bit better... until you remember that throwing clubs cap at 2-3 seconds per throw and throwing hammers cap at 3-4 seconds. This means that throwing hammers have roughly 70% the speed of a throwing club.

This example illustrates how things currently are

#2 - >So a 30 stone 2HE performs the same as a 30 stone SE?
>Even though the 2HE will have better stats?
It would swing at the same rate, yes.

This example illustrates your proposed change.

Under the change you propose, swinging the club and the hammer would be at the same speed because they have the same weight. The hammer is a better weapon if the roundtimes for each are the same. Under your NOTE 1 listing the only example that doesn't agree with what I am trying to explain to you is the cutlass vs broadsword at 44. That is an exception and not the rule. Overwhelmingly you will find MOST examples are going to be just like other examples you listed or my club vs hammer one. If same weight = same RT bigger templates will almost always be superior and that just cannot be allowed to happen. Stepping out on a limb with an opinion, I would say that smaller weapons are heavily disadvantaged already in the present system and what you are proposing would take the current imbalance and magnify it GREATLY.

Another 2 cents.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 01:13 PM CDT
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(double post sorry)

In addition look no further than our current swappable weapons for a built-in illustration of my point:

bastard sword
war sword
bar mace
half-handled riste

All the swaps would have the same roundtimes under your proposal by default.
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Re: No More RT Reduction on 08/08/2014 01:51 PM CDT
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Hmmmm, interesting point. I'll have to think about that.

Weapons for Sale:
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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