About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 08:07 AM CDT
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I'm still fixated on this idea of how to let my poor little empath gain armor TDPs without either 1) lugging around 4 sets of armor at all time, or 2) wearing a clown suit of mix-matched pieces. Here's what I'm thinking. Four new items, quest, fest, whatever, but four new items. At a minimum, four new items. One for brigadine, one for leather, one for chain, and one for plate. They take up the "on both ears" slot to insure you can only have one on at a time.

The items create a mental shift. They make you think that you're wearing armor heavier/lighter than it is. While worn, it changes the armor skill type of all armor. It doesn't change the stats. It doesn't change the templates. It doesn't add or remove weight. It's all in your mind, like the ranks.

Is this even possible? Easy enough to make it worthwhile?
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 08:14 AM CDT
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IMO the issue is the culture around TDPs (don't hit me, Annwyl) and trying to resolve it like this just comes off as odd.

Plus, you'd essentially allow someone to get the benefits out of all armors despite only "really" training one. Like what if I had gloves that meant my Sling ranks could also be crossbow, bow, heavy thrown, etc ranks. That's weird and diminishes the thing that should be the "real" reward of training those things in the first place: being able to use them well.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 08:51 AM CDT
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> IMO the issue is the culture around TDPs (don't hit me, Annwyl) and trying to resolve it like this just comes off as odd.

It is odd, but if TDPs are a sacred cow that is core to the DR experience at the upper end then they may not be "fixable".

> Plus, you'd essentially allow someone to get the benefits out of all armors despite only "really" training one.

I see this as the opposite. You're "training" four armors, but you're receiving the benefits (and penalties) of the armor you're wearing. Weight, Hinderance, Stealth hinderance, physical protection, elemental protection, physical absorbtion, elemental absorption, construction, and coverage areas would not change.

> That's weird and diminishes the thing that should be the "real" reward of training those things in the first place: being able to use them well.

That's an entirely different discussion. We're doing something now to min/max a character that would make absolutely no sense in the world of that character. I admit that this doesn't make a lot of sense either, but it makes more sense than a thief wearing plate gloves and brigadine neck peices and chain mail balcava while trying to backstab a goblin. Why? Because that makes this thief more charismatic.

> Like what if I had gloves that meant my Sling ranks could also be crossbow, bow, heavy thrown, etc ranks.

Again, separate discussion. I think it's one worth having, but it's not what I'm proposing here.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:23 AM CDT
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Honestly I think it's a terrible idea. It allows me to wear full cloth and have 0 hindrance while TDP farming all the types. It's a system completely without drawbacks.

Currently if you want to train all armor you have to deal with the hassles you mentioned. That's intentional. There SHOULD be something less than positive about passively training all the things.

The TDP system does not need strange work arounds.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:39 AM CDT
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>>I see this as the opposite. You're "training" four armors, but you're receiving the benefits (and penalties) of the armor you're wearing. Weight, Hinderance, Stealth hinderance, physical protection, elemental protection, physical absorbtion, elemental absorption, construction, and coverage areas would not change.

Except people will just pick the armor they like the most and get 4x the experience from it.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:40 AM CDT
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> It's a system completely without drawbacks.

I think you're underestimating the drawbacks of wearing full cloth. If not, that's something that has to be solved elsewhere.

> Currently if you want to train all armor you have to deal with the hassles you mentioned. That's intentional.

I think you're wrong. I'd love a GM's perspective, but my understanding is that it wasn't intentional design for everyone to carry four sets of armor or mix-match everything solely to game the stat system.

> The TDP system does not need strange work arounds.

I disagree. If the system encourages you to do something completely out of character, solely for numbers, then I think it needs to be fixed. If it can't be fixed for various reasons (as I'm not sure this one can be now that I've caught up on the other threads) then it needs a work around to at least make it less stupid.

This is a suggestion. Dismissing it out of hand really isn't constructive, but I accept that it might be the wrong approach. Maybe we should be talking about armor charts. Maybe this should give you the mixing penalty as if you were wearing that type of armor. Maybe it's a system like appraise focus where you split your xp.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:41 AM CDT
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> Except people will just pick the armor they like the most and get 4x the experience from it.

They learn 1x the experience. This tool just shunts the experience from the armor type they're wearing into a new armor type without requiring them to change armor sets.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:43 AM CDT
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I suspect the odds are this happening are similar to getting a BIG RED BUTTON that gives free ranks when you push it. Dare to dream though.

Samsaren - Sadly wearing his clownsuit.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:48 AM CDT
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>>They learn 1x the experience. This tool just shunts the experience from the armor type they're wearing into a new armor type without requiring them to change armor sets.

True, but if they're currently wearing 4 types of armor, that armor exp is split up. With what you're proposing, they'd be able to lock each armor faster.

In other words, people will lock each armor type faster and lock them all at (generally) the same amount of time it would have taken wearing the patchwork thing.

Now, a type of armor that can shift in density or type so you can flip a switch and literally turn your cloth armor into plate armor, that would be neat. But being able to just train all armor types while wearing your favorite type of armor really feels like being able to use my small edge to train every other edged type while it still has all the benefits (and drawbacks, I guess) of a small edge.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:00 AM CDT
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> I suspect the odds are this happening are similar to getting a BIG RED BUTTON that gives free ranks when you push it. Dare to dream though.

Fair enough.

> True, but if they're currently wearing 4 types of armor, that armor exp is split up. With what you're proposing, they'd be able to lock each armor faster.

Total experience gain does not change. I can lock 1/4 skills in 20 minutes or I can bring 4 skills to 25% in 20 minutes. The latter would be more effective for TDP generation as four skills are moving for longer.

> In other words, people will lock each armor type faster and lock them all at (generally) the same amount of time it would have taken wearing the patchwork thing.

I'm not trying to shake up the status quo. I only want to options to incentivize IG behavior with little to no functional penalty.

> Now, a type of armor that can shift in density or type so you can flip a switch and literally turn your cloth armor into plate armor, that would be neat. But being able to just train all armor types while wearing your favorite type of armor really feels like being able to use my small edge to train every other edged type while it still has all the benefits (and drawbacks, I guess) of a small edge.

Cool idea. The bastard sword or prison ring of armor. I like it. Magical in nature, but rub it to change it's type. It doesn't solve the problem of wanting to wear your awesome Tyrium full plate collecting dust in a vault, but it's moving in right direction.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:10 AM CDT
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Hey now, no need to fight. Armor training AND TDPs can both work in ways we're unhappy with.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:15 AM CDT
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> Hey now, no need to fight. Armor training AND TDPs can both work in ways we're unhappy with.

I assume the GMs have been kicking around solutions for a while. Is there anything in development, or is still being investigated?
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:21 AM CDT
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>>Total experience gain does not change. I can lock 1/4 skills in 20 minutes or I can bring 4 skills to 25% in 20 minutes. The latter would be more effective for TDP generation as four skills are moving for longer.

That's not how armor experience works.

Say a critter gives 100 "points" of armor experience per attack.

If armor A covers 50% of your body, armor B covers 30% of your body, and armor C covers 20% of your body, armor A gets 50 points, armor B gets 30 points, and armor C gets 20 points.

If armor A covers 100% of your body, armor A gets 100 points.

If your armor pool is "full" at 1000 points, in situation 1 it would take 20 attacks to lock armor A, ~33 attacks to lock armor B, and 50 attacks to lock armor C (I forget if armor experience "spills over" to other worn armors if a specific armor pool is already locked). In situation 2, armor A would lock in 10 strikes.

With your device, someone would lock armor A in 10 strikes, switch to armor B, lock armor B in 10 strikes, switch to armor C, and lock armor C in 10 strikes.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:29 AM CDT
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<<I forget if armor experience "spills over" to other worn armors if a specific armor pool is already locked

It does not. If it did it would be possible to lock all armors when nearing creature cap as training slows down, but armors that don't cover very much body area stop locking far sooner than those that cover more body area as soft caps are approached.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:31 AM CDT
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> If armor A covers 100% of your body, armor A gets 100 points.

Let's be frank here. Over an hour long hunting session, for practically every guild other than paladin, all four armors will be at 100% by the end.

As far as drains, by the first few pulses armor 1 is at 8/34, armor 2 is at 4/34, armor 3 and 4 are at 2/34. When it pulses you've now learned x bits in armors 1-4. This method is a loss there because let's say armor 1 is at 16/34. When it pulses, you've learned x bits in 1 armor. Yes, it catches up. Yes, it'll all pulse down at the same time, but it's more or less irrelevant as all armors today still fill up because armor is something (almost) everyone learns slowly.

> With your device, someone would lock armor A in 10 strikes, switch to armor B, lock armor B in 10 strikes, switch to armor C, and lock armor C in 10 strikes.

There are ways around this. Reduce learning rates. Add a timer for how quickly you can swap it. I still think it's a moot point because you're really saying that you've locked Armors A,B,C, and D in 40 minutes, but you aren't draining all armors for 30 of those minutes. Unlike today, you still lock armors A, B, C, and D in 40 minutes (+/- depending on waste), but you're draining all armors for that entire time.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:37 AM CDT
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>>There are ways around this. Reduce learning rates. Add a timer for how quickly you can swap it.

Agreed, but I'd personally rather GMs antagonize and get stressed over how to cure the disease than antagonize and get stressed over how to make a bandaid less exploitable.

I also forgot to mention this from your last post, but I also think letting people wear their T6 awesome-gear and learn whatever armor they want also devalues awesome-gear as a whole, since that means no one needs T6 awesome-gear of all types to take advantage of hunting in awesome-gear of that type (in other words, you only have to invest in one good thing than four+ good things).

>>I still think it's a moot point because you're really saying that you've locked Armors A,B,C, and D in 40 minutes, but you aren't draining all armors for 30 of those minutes. Unlike today, you still lock armors A, B, C, and D in 40 minutes (+/- depending on waste), but you're draining all armors for that entire time.

Might be an issue for armor primaries, but I know as a tert it takes me forever to drain armor, so I would actually be draining all those armors in this scenario. Right now I tend to wear light/chain/brig (the last one is more because of some cool gloves that just happened to be brig), and they sit at locked the entire time I'm hunting, then are still draining after I leave and do a bunch of other stuff. But I'm also armor tert, so...

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:40 AM CDT
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You don't have to wear a clown suit, I wear all one type of armor (usually light because of the guilds I play) and swap through different greaves while I hunt and it trains everything fine.

Don't forget to vote for dragonrealms:

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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 10:44 AM CDT
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Seconding that wearing a suit of your primary and swapping out one or two pieces to train the others should work fine (for any guild but Paladin, I think).

Maz wears the clown suit, but only because I'm really lazy.

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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 11:51 AM CDT
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So I'm seeing that with this device what you are really doing is removing the punishment of mixed armor penalties, so you are going to make the problem worse. Easier to trivialize the armor primary perk. I would also like to bring up that these "clown suits" aren't always for training purposes and sometimes it just makes more sense in the RP to be wearing a mixture of styles of armor. Yes, I play a paladin primarily, and yes I train all the metal armors. That was an RP choice not a mechanics or TDP choice.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 12:29 PM CDT
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> So I'm seeing that with this device what you are really doing is removing the punishment of mixed armor penalties, so you are going to make the problem worse.

Add in a mixing penalty as if you had all four armors on (reduced by guild abilities). That's not a point to get stuck on.

The gains are reduced weight requirements, better RP options with more sensible IG choices, and the ability to regularly use those super cool armor sets you buy at fests, quests, auctions, or alterations.

> I would also like to bring up that these "clown suits" aren't always for training purposes and sometimes it just makes more sense in the RP to be wearing a mixture of styles of armor.

That's fine. If it fits you then you can still do it, and there's still a benefit (consistent training for long-term sessions) if you want to do it the hard way.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 12:47 PM CDT
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As long as we're mentioning drawbacks this item should have (which I personally feel makes it even more unviable), what about the advantage of not having to carry multiple types of armor around? So I'll be able to wear just light armor but train plate without having to carry around plate-weight items, worry about the hindrances and penalties associated with plate (look, I can train plate AND stealth at the same time!), etc?

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 02:53 PM CDT
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I do the same thing...swap one piece until it locks, rinse and repeat. Works quite nicely.
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 08:38 PM CDT
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>>I assume the GMs have been kicking around solutions for a while. Is there anything in development, or is still being investigated?

Uh oh, I'm not falling for that one.


"It was wise enough to know itself, and brave enough to BE itself, and wild enough to change itself while somehow staying altogether true." ― The Slow Regard of Silent Things
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Re: About the clown suits on 04/22/2016 09:23 PM CDT
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> Uh oh, I'm not falling for that one.

Having recently read through the last few threads on TDPs, I don't blame you. It was worth a try.
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