Underwater Hunting on 06/17/2008 09:01 AM CDT
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From Hanryu's post in the Aesry folder:

>>Have I mentioned how much I hate water hunting areas and how cool they could be if the water penalty could be worked off with sufficient swimming skills?

In water combat I would like to see light weapons (LE/LB/LT) and pike/HT weapons (the closest we have to spearfishing/harpoons) be favored by keeping their normal RTs. This would give these underutilized classes their own niche. Working down RTs via swimming makes sense, but I don't think the heaver classes should be able to be reduced down all the way unless a merchant comes along and sells underwater-specific weapons (a broadsword with holes to let the water flow through for example). Perhaps the system can check to see if you're wearing fins/flippers (via how it checks for brawling weapons perhaps?) and give you a bonus/RT reduction. I want epic Thunderball style battles!

(Oh and Devan this seems like a good folder to post your group tactics ideas.)

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Re: Underwater Hunting on 06/19/2008 09:49 PM CDT
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>>In water combat I would like to see light weapons (LE/LB/LT) and pike/HT weapons (the closest we have to spearfishing/harpoons) be favored by keeping their normal RTs. This would give these underutilized classes their own niche.<<

I love this idea. I've found underwater hunting (merrows mostly) to be nothing but frustrating and unrewarding. Do any spells currently help with underwater hunting? I was singing Merelew's Legacy, which gives a swimming bonus and allows breathing underwater, but I do not remember if it decreased my roundtimes. If I was near an underwater hunting area, I would test this.

- Terra
"Bards..." Selinthesa suddenly starts upon seeing you. "...are the best profession in the lands. We have instruments, powerful voices, area ranging enchantes, AND if we choose to, we can fight."
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Re: Underwater Hunting on 06/20/2008 04:39 AM CDT
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>as singing Merelew's Legacy, which gives a swimming bonus and allows breathing underwater, but I do not remember if it decreased my roundtimes. If I was near an underwater hunting area, I would test this.

Normal round times when using a weapon and singing MERE.

The problem with merrows is they appear to be almost immune to slashing weapons.

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Re: Underwater Hunting on 06/20/2008 02:10 PM CDT
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I was hunting merrows yesterday and I was definitely getting extra RT swinging my scimitar while singing Merelew's. It was my first and last time. Swimming around was fun, but combat was a very painful experience.

Tabby Faye
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