Flint tipped throwing blades on 05/31/2013 11:44 AM CDT
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Not sure if these exist, but i couldnt find them anywhere and couldnt see anyone that had already suggested them. Seems like it could be a cool thing to have layin around, especially with the new naphtha changes, especially if splash was integrated when throwing a vial/bottle at a creature. Soak a few body parts, throw a handful of blades at it and watch random fires erupt? Could be fun.
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Re: Flint tipped throwing blades on 05/31/2013 02:41 PM CDT
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While good for things wearing metal armor, would these not "spark" on natural creatures and things/characters in light armor?


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Re: Flint tipped throwing blades on 05/31/2013 05:02 PM CDT
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If only the races of elanthia could hurry up and invent incendiary rounds? For that matter, let us soak arrows/bolts/throwing blades in naphtha and light em before shooting em off, heh. I just thought it'd be a cool addition to thrown is all. I wouldnt see this being a game changer for anything, just another way to ignite naphtha on certain opponents.
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