changes to blood-critters on 06/02/2003 02:03 AM CDT
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I know Solomon mentioned there wouldn't be much discussion on this, but...:)

Will there be a change all around in the skills they teach, or only transference? Will rangers still be learning animal lore from them too, or perhaphs empaths will now be able to start learning skinning? (purrs)

We, empaths, have the different, non-violent messaging, and I am curious how Towint will reconcile the changes for us.

I've always enjoyed the blood worms, and although I am disapointed that they will no longer be good for training transference, I have faith that everything 'back there' will play out to give us other options. I am just curious how the brain child of Towint will adapt to the changes...

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Re: changes to blood-critters on 06/02/2003 02:44 AM CDT
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Per Solomon, there will be no official comment on any matters relating to bloodsuckers until after the Empath Meeting at SimuCon (next Sunday afternoon)... unless, of course, someone with a wireless connection happens to make such comments DURING the meeting. <g>

GameMaster Towint B'niyvyl
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Re: changes to blood-critters on 06/02/2003 03:16 AM CDT
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I have the wireless connection and am trying to assemble an elite team of people to report everything from Simucon... but I can't make the empath meeting. If someone else wants to be there and post during the meeting I may be able to provide them with the wireless <G>. Unless of course I'm over in creation systems doing the same... or whoever is over in New Gu... er "show up and find out". <winks>

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Re: changes to blood-critters on 06/03/2003 07:32 PM CDT
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Had I been going, we would all prolly set-up a maze of data, and quick head-ache causing typings. grin

(or even better, voice/image recordings)

~Callek, Treasurer of the Order of the Apostles

Care to learn more about the Apostles, interested in joining, or simply want to find a way to contact me?
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