I encountered a situation a little bit ago where one of the Xala'shar vindicators and one of the archimages got stuck in their rooms and wouldn't move. I was the only one in the area except for the occasional person passing through on that obnoxious climbing loop that everyone and their cousin constantly runs through the area. For a while both of the affected creatures were in the room to the NW of me (I was at the hill leading down to the conjurer/vanquisher area), and I began to get suspicious that they weren't moving from there. So I went over and kicked both of them out of the room using the Compel spell. The archimage moved W and the vanquisher moved S, and I went back to my room (so now the creatures were W and W,NW of me, respectively). I kept tabs on them via HUNT, and neither one ever moved from its new room. All of the other creatures in the area were still moving about as normal (three slayers since I had one Manipulated, plus one more archimage and vindicator). It was quite disruptive since the other people passing through didn't happen to trigger more spawns, so I was operating at a shortage for quite a while.
I attempted to ASSIST so someone could look at the problem creatures directly, but nobody was around. I canceled my ASSIST when I left the area.
-Biomancer Karthor