Currently I'm usually dancing with two or three creatures at a time, and killing either the Third, or Fourth, respectively.
Strength : 11 | Reflex : 15 |
Agility : 11 | Charisma : 19 |
Discipline : 13 | Wisdom : 15 |
Intelligence : 17 | Stamina : 14 |
_SKILLS- | |
Shield Usage: 42 75% | Leather Armor: 45 83% |
Parry Ability: 35 55% | Multi Opponent: 44 63% |
Light Edged: 46 15% | Medium Edged: 30 27% |
Arcane Magic: 58 83% | Harness Ability: 60 57% |
Power Perceive: 67 81% | Arcana: 50 85% |
Targeted Magic: 33 36% | Evasion: 48 22% |
Perception: 57 80% | Hiding: 55 11% |
Stalking: 55 08% | First Aid: 32 51% |
Foraging: 51 34% | Skinning: 32 10% |
~ The Dream