moneygrubber coin attack - muspari on 09/01/2019 03:59 AM CDT
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The moneygrubbers, pinchfists, skinflints, and tightwads coin throw ability appears to be over-tuned.

I can dance for ages against them and maybe get 1 or 2 scratches if they get a lucky hit, but they frequently chain stun me with their coin attacks. For example, I just spent nearly a full minute laying on the ground getting stunned over and over unable to do anything all the while dodging all hits from them. It's definitely more noticeable when there's 3 or 4 of them on me since they can't really chain stun if there's less of them, but it's still annoying even with only 1 or 2 of them. Even if it's a vs. fortitude attack which is my weakest one I'm still on par with them in that respect so chain stunning shouldn't be a thing.

You are certain that the troublesome tightwad is healthy.
You are certain that the troublesome tightwad is somewhat fatigued.
You are certain that it is about as strong as you are.
You are certain that it is somewhat less agile than you are.
You are confident that it is not quite as disciplined as you are.
You are certain that it is rather less quick to react than you are.
You are certain that it is about as conditioned as you are.

Strength : 16 Reflex : 35 +2
Agility : 28 Charisma : 24
Discipline : 24 Wisdom : 24
Intelligence : 35 Stamina : 18
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Re: moneygrubber coin attack - muspari on 09/01/2019 08:27 AM CDT
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AFAIK, it's not a contested attack. Simply a ranged attack. Were you trying to parry?

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: moneygrubber coin attack - muspari on 09/01/2019 06:34 PM CDT
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Nope. My stance always includes at least 60% shield, and 100% when using my bow. Also, if it's just a ranged attack then they shouldn't be able to hit me with it since they can barely even get grazing hits on me while prone and stun locked.

Also, I don't care about getting hit once in a while. That's normal. I care about getting hit once and then getting hit with it over and over so that I can't even do anything for nearly a full minute at a time.
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Re: moneygrubber coin attack - muspari on 09/02/2019 04:18 AM CDT
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I'm now at the point where evasion no longer moves past 1/34 and parry past 4-5/34. I can still get chain stunned by the coin attack and my shield skill will reach mind lock from it despite being higher than my parry skill.

Shield Usage: 120 63.46% analyzing (18/34)
Parry Ability: 115 72.62% learning (3/34)
Evasion: 128 54.22% clear (0/34)
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