hunting suggestions on 08/25/2010 08:34 PM CDT
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Ok, Some idea's on where to hunt with these stats?

Strength: 28
Reflex : 27
Agility : 25
Stamina : 27

Shield : 201
Parry : 167
Evasion: 143
Multi : 157

HE : 160
HX : 96
2HE: 91
Halberd: 93

Or should I post over in the 200-250 area?
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Re: hunting suggestions on 08/25/2010 08:42 PM CDT
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Brocket deer, near the Rakash village, west of Langenfirth.

That's pretty much my standard suggestion to anybody in the region of skills between vines/creepers and baby/fledgling gryphons, as long as boxes aren't an issue.

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Re: hunting suggestions on 08/25/2010 10:27 PM CDT
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I don't know what guild that is, but I'm guessing paladin based on Shield being the highest combat skill listed. I'd say black leucros and get your multi and evasion up to par. You're going to get smacked pretty good if you keep pushing shield and your other skills lag behind.


Clerics are on the sectual radar.

Just to be clear - I didn't do it. Not sure who did, but it wasn't me.

- GM Raesh
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Re: hunting suggestions on 08/29/2010 07:58 PM CDT
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What if boxes are an issue? What would you recommend?
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Re: hunting suggestions on 08/29/2010 10:15 PM CDT
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>>What if boxes are an issue? What would you recommend?

For boxes I'd suggest thugs/ruffians/footpads/cutthroats. To me the ones in undershard seem the easiest (no shields) then the ones in the Crossing sewers (they have shields). The Alley Thugs in Throne City seem to spawn better than the others and carry ranged weapons, and are a bit tougher, too. I think also within that range somewhere would be pirates on the ship between Haven and Ratha.

It's been a while though, and I never hunted for boxes, so someone else may be able to advise better.

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