Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 02:52 AM CDT
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Do lava drakes eat ammo? In the past two weeks I have lost over 40 quadrellos, several pulzones, and a couple dozen bolts in there...

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 09:00 AM CDT
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I don't know of any particular reason they would.

Could you elaborate on how they're 'eating' them?


"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 09:18 AM CDT
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I haven't lost any ammo in TF, hunting them non stop for the past several weeks.
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 10:21 AM CDT
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I'm not losing my throwing hammer in there if that helps.

- Felicini
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 01:12 PM CDT
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>Could you elaborate on how they're 'eating' them?<

I started hunting drakes seriously about 2 weeks ago. Up until this time I had a quiver full of ammo. Last Wednesday, while hunting, I suddenly ran out of ammo. After killing all the drakes I found a couple quads left in the drakes I had killed. This seemed odd because prior to moving to drakes I had over 40 quads, a dozen or so pulzones, some silver-edged bolts from back when Knife-Clan had that dye color, and a few other random bolts.

SO I did a test. I bought 40 bolts last week and kept track of how many were left after every hunt. After the first hunt I had all 40. The second hunt 37. This past hunt 17. My ammo is magically poofing. I always look around the area before I leave hunting. I also always look at each creature to make sure that non have a bolt embedded in it before leaving. I'm OCD like that.

Is it possible that if I miss searching a drake the magic dissolves with them? Didn't it use to be like that in the old days? Not saying this is what's happening, but it's all I could think of.

>I'm not losing my throwing hammer in there if that helps.<

Yeah, me either. Besides they go to the "at feet" slot.

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 01:19 PM CDT
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>Is it possible that if I miss searching a drake the magic dissolves with them? Didn't it use to be like that in the old days? Not saying this is what's happening, but it's all I could think of.<

Sorry, that should read "the ammo magically dissolves with them?"

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 01:51 PM CDT
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A thought: Shoot some bolts in one, then wait for it to do its healing move. See if the bolts are still there.
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 02:18 PM CDT
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I noticed this in intercessors as well. I'd had the same amount of dyed arrows for years and years, and suddenly last week I went to load and nothing. My huntingbro had a bunch of claw tipped arrows on him which I learned later get eaten by the janitor, but even with that knowledge and being MUCH faster about picking them back up, I'm down to 20 again. Is this like the sock eating dryer monster?
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/02/2015 02:33 PM CDT
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>Is this like the sock eating dryer monster?<

A new end-game monster idea for DR...

But yeah, I'd like to find out what's going on here as losing what the economy has deemed approximately 4k in quadrellos/pulzones kind of hurts...

--Just a Squire

Riveted to the metal is a small copper plaque depicting a shield crossed with a longsword overlaying a field of thirteen stars. Encircling the design are the words, "Many Faces - One God."
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/08/2015 04:37 AM CDT
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I know I don't hunt the uber things you all do but it is a problem at lower ranks also FYI had to go back to store ammo for my crossbow cause my Quads were poofing. I make my own arrows so those don't hurt so much to loose but yeah Quads going poof is painful

Deadly force, is the force which a person uses, causing—or that a person knows, or should know, would create a substantial risk of causing—death or serious bodily harm. Deadly Force is justified only under conditions of extreme necessity as a last resort,
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 06/08/2015 06:15 PM CDT
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I used to lose ammo in lava drakes and had a guess as to why. They have the ability to "burrow" under ground which takes them out of combat.

If you fire a weapon at a lava drake and it burrows and there happened to be more than four in the room with you, another lava drake has a chance to advance on you.
If the lava drake you were facing then comes out again, it might wander to another room because you have 4 creatures facing you.

I was losing ammo here and there when I first started hunting there, but over time as I was able to start killing them quicker it didn't happen as often.
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Re: Lava Drakes and ammo on 10/20/2015 10:28 AM CDT
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I have never hunted lava drakes but I can tell you of one instance that I believe is simular.
Years ago I hunted Red Bristle Gremlins, what happened here is if you lodged something into one, they have this maneuver that if one is in the room without a weapon and another one has one it will try to take the weapon. What happens here with ammo is that your item gets flagged as a weapon, so if an unarmed uses thier "special move" it grabs your item then your item poofs.

I suspect the heal/burrow thing with lava drakes is doing a simular thing. They burrow to heal and lodged ammo comes out from healing then the iten does not belong (has nowhere to go) and poof.
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