Moth payout on 05/30/2015 10:32 AM CDT
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Hunting in umbral moths and I've noticed the payouts on the pouches is extremely low. A full 500 gem pouch is somewhere between 20-30 plat kronars. I get that they have skinnable parts as well, but even they are only about 40 plat each. Considering how long it takes to both fill a pouch and bundle, isn't that extremely low? Can someone take a look at them?
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Re: Moth payout on 06/06/2015 09:14 AM CDT
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Just checking in on this. Is this the intended payout for moths?
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Re: Moth payout on 06/08/2015 10:31 AM CDT
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Since you didn't specify which color, I'm going to assume you mean void-black, as those are the hardest ones.

The payout is intended, across all levels, in fact. It looks like the code actually has a note that it's intended because they are also skinnable.

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Re: Moth payout on 06/08/2015 06:15 PM CDT
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Thanks for checking into this, Naohhi. The skinning doesn't make up for it honestly. I can go into intercessors and get 80-100 plat doks per pouch after a trader sells them. They app around 50-60 plat doks. If you add in skins and the pouches, you'll end up around 60 plat kronars for both. Then you also have to factor in coins. Moths payout is just low across the board.
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