What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/01/2016 02:12 AM CDT
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As the subject says. Lava Drakes? Juvenile Wyverns?

My Tactics and Debilitation are at 1100+, which means that Tactics learning has slowed significantly, while Debilitation training is simply not happening. So it feels like time to move up a critter. On the other hand, my lowest weapon is still at 584, so I don't want too big a step up.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/01/2016 12:02 PM CDT
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Juvenile wyverns are easier than Drakes. Adult wyverns are about the same as drakes, for me anyway.

I dont think juveniles would teach you if you have been in elders. 584 weapon will be a struggle in drakes, even with dalu or resolve. It is doable but it will be slow going.

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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/01/2016 10:11 PM CDT
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> 584 weapon will be a struggle in drakes, even with dalu or resolve. It is doable but it will be slow going.

I've got high agility and a high balance weapon, and I can get my hands on an RW scroll if I need, so this might not be such a problem. I'll test.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/02/2016 08:48 AM CDT
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i think it would be drakes tbh.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/02/2016 09:07 AM CDT
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> i think it would be drakes tbh.

I tested both drakes and adult wyverns, and they both gave me trouble with my lower weapons, but adult wyverns were unmistakably the harder ones to defend against (partially but not entirely because of their special attacks). Drakes were also easier to skin. So I agree, drakes are the smaller step. But it looks like I'll be staying on M'riss for a bit, either way.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/02/2016 04:21 PM CDT
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Yes. Drakes are notoriously terrible for training lower weapons because if you disable them, they turn on their defenses and you cant learn from them very well. They should start being doable around 800 weapons, e-pedia is wrong about 900 imo. They will be a little bit of a task to hit but youll learn well enough. Anything lower than that and its a crawl. I still do my lower weapons on them but its not efficient at all.

One option though is to move to resus for lower weapons,t hey are right next to drakes.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/02/2016 11:43 PM CDT
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> One option though is to move to resus for lower weapons,t hey are right next to drakes.

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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/02/2016 11:57 PM CDT
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Misenseor Resuscitants I assume.

They're in a dark area though which is probably annoying for most people.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/03/2016 08:34 AM CDT
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There is one room with light that a lot of people share, if you don't mind doing that.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/03/2016 10:03 AM CDT
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>They're in a dark area though which is probably annoying for most people.

I think the character in question is a cleric so Divine Radiance probably takes care of that.

If you're a magic user gaethzen (as a light source) works in the AtFeet inventory slot iirc. It's much easier to get your hands on unwearable gaethzen than worn. AtFeet you can use it without holding it, but also has the side of effect of needing to pick it up before you can leave the room.

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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/03/2016 10:12 AM CDT
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> I think the character in question is a cleric so Divine Radiance probably takes care of that.

Bard actually. But I don't think I'll be trying resuscitants. Easier to stay in dillos and let my debilitation lie fallow for awhile.

Gaethzen at feet is a good trick to know, though. Thanks.
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/03/2016 02:01 PM CDT
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Genie users have less issue with dark rooms, since the room window plugin doesn't clue into the fact that the room is supposed to be dark and outputs all the contents normally. I.e. you'll still see the various darkness messages in the game window, but your mobs, room, player and objects windows will show everything that's there along with populating their respective variables.

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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/03/2016 02:12 PM CDT
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IIRC it still confuses automapper though which can be very annoying.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: What's the smallest step up from Elder Armadillos? on 06/11/2016 12:00 PM CDT
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You might try xala'shar Thrall / Magus area. I went there from juvie wyverns.
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