this really isn't a suggestion for a -creature- but for Item(s) to increase spawn rates in an area.
Creature Bait!
meats, blood, holy relics to get the attention of undead, etc..
This brings us to where to get these meats and other such baits.. the Butcher verb!
* Kill the Crocodile, Arrange it, Skin it, -Butcher- it to try to get some meat from it, then search it to wash away the corpse. |we'll get to the lore skill Cooking) in a later post ;) |
Drop some Meat on the ground (this should work even better on hot breezy days when the smell carries farther) and the predators come a-runnin to inspect the kill! increase the effect for scavenger type creatures such as wolves.
I think it would be great to chum the waters to increase the spawn rate.
also, while we're at it, maybe having an untended bleeder (or when the bandage fails) in a water filled area should passively increase the spawn by a small amount. it only makes sense!
What say you?!