Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 06:20 AM CST
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I got requested to post this somewhere over here in the critters area...

Please, can we have some good high level critters places in Theren/Lang/Rossmans/Haven ??

I have recently taken a high role within the Theren Guard, so leaving the area to train on the islands is a definate no, I can't be in a place where it would take me 2 hours to get back to where I should be.

I have found this issue pops up for quite a few people, and they are then forced to choose between:

Stay in the area and backtrain as nothing will move your main weapons
Travel to islands and become semi inactive in their order/group

Given that the way we changed the exp learning, and soon to change the TDP gain, and this being geared towards people not training 24/7, it would be very helpful if I and others had the choice to train at level in the area we also do our roleplay, because at the moment, one or the other is forced to suffer.

Thank you

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 07:17 AM CST
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>Can we please have some high level critters on the mainlands, so we can mix role-playing with training, and I don't have to make the choice between the two??

>Thank you


We have been asking for this forever it feels like. And yes I would also be very happy if we had higher circle (similar to celp, super celp, all levels of armidillos) on the mainland. Thank you


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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 07:53 AM CST
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What Felicini said. We really do need more celp, super celp and dillo level critters mainland side.

You hear the ghostly voice of Katralyn say, "I have plenty of idea."

You are Peak Destroyer Devoria Myth, Protector of Ilithi, an Elf.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 07:57 AM CST
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Yes, please. Adult Armadillos level and beyond on both mainlands and on Aesry would be lovely :)

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 09:23 AM CST
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For what feels like the thousandth time requesting this, please add high level hunting grounds on the mainland. It's desperately needed.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 09:30 AM CST
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But wait, we need parity.

Forged Weapons:
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 01:47 PM CST
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Not sure if anybody's heard the request yet, but can we have some of the highest levels of critter hunting also be on what most of us call "the mainland"?

Magus Adakin of Prime
WorldsBestMagic Kastr of TF

Your body already swells with the enhanced strength of a hero.

"Killing Time Murders Opportunities."
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 03:06 PM CST
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>>Not sure if anybody's heard the request yet, but can we have some of the highest levels of critter hunting also be on what most of us call "the mainland"?

I'm not a critters person, but the new constructs in Muspar'i and the newly re-figured DragonPriest assassins near Ilithi seem like they would answer some of these requests.

The barge ride to Muspar'i is much shorter than it used to be, more on the order of a ferry ride than a boat ride these days. Also, it now has a Grazhir Shard. As to the assassins, the run from the DP area to Shard is really fast. It may technically be in Forf, but it really does only take a few minutes to go back and forth.

There's definitely room for more, but there are already more options available than there were just a few months ago.

[Turmis] I'm about to shoot beards in the face
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 03:13 PM CST
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Do the creatures in Muspar'i or the Dragon Priests teach upwards of 800 ranks and beyond?

Are any of these creatures skinnable?

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 03:37 PM CST
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Random question: why does high-end skinnability matter?
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 03:46 PM CST
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To learn skinning?

Player of Drevid and Jhaval

Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 03:59 PM CST
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Oh, right. I forgot you existed.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 04:02 PM CST
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>>Random question: why does high-end skinnability matter?<<

Some people need it to circle, some know that popping boxes sucks and finding someone able to pop those high end boxes sucks even more. So skinning becomes a real way to keep making cash.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 04:02 PM CST
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That doesn't even make sense. You asked a stupid question. You got what you deserved.

Player of Drevid and Jhaval

Cylons... why debugging matters.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 04:12 PM CST
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>>That doesn't even make sense. You asked a stupid question. You got what you deserved.


Okay, I'll make an effort to not understand henceforth. Thanks.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 04:14 PM CST
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Knock it off or go to conflicts.


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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 05:08 PM CST
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<<Do the creatures in Muspar'i or the Dragon Priests teach upwards of 800 ranks and beyond?
<<Are any of these creatures skinnable?

According to E-pedia Ashu Hhinvi teach 430-630 and DP Assassins teach 650-800. Neither teach skinning.

Tachid smugly exclaims, "Die midget!"
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 05:18 PM CST
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Ashu Hhinvi have a shield hard cap around the 730 range and still teach HE at 680, though not quickly.

Assassins can lock shield at 800 in no time flat, so the armor teaching will go at least to 900 if I had to guess.

In the middle of those, the new non-flex resuscitants will teach weapons/parry past 680 easily and shield at 800 easily.

No skinning on any of them, but all three have boxes. Hhinvi have coins/gems, while resuscitants and assassins have gems only.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 05:45 PM CST
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I should also mention that the resuscitant area requires a light source, and they require a lot of patience because of their bugs.

A lot of them spawn while hidden, and generally they spawn at pole range while hidden. Unfortunately, they have a knockdown (no damage) attack from pole range.

About that knockdown: It's easy to block/parry/dodge when you can see the creature, but if it ambushes with it, even if you're "not surprised," count on getting knocked down. I'm not sure if that's a bug in ambush itself or in resuscitants, but it's there. You'll spend a lot of time searching them out only to get knocked down before you can bother pointing, or just get instantly knocked down when one spawns.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 06:19 PM CST
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>>>About that knockdown: It's easy to block/parry/dodge when you can see the creature, but if it ambushes with it, even if you're "not surprised," count on getting knocked down. I'm not sure if that's a bug in ambush itself or in resuscitants, but it's there. You'll spend a lot of time searching them out only to get knocked down before you can bother pointing, or just get instantly knocked down when one spawns.<<<<

Something like this is infuriating to read and I am no where near hunting here. It just seems like a wasted area with critters that drain resources who never get hunted. This seems like a great spot to swap out these buggy weird critters and drop in some solid upper tier ones.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 06:29 PM CST
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>It just seems like a wasted area with critters that drain resources who never get hunted.

Resuscitants really can't be hunted unless you're a Cleric or a masochist. It seems like this is intentional, and they're just meant to guard the quest area.

~ Kougen
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 06:33 PM CST
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Hunting in general is masochism.

If you don't mind standing up often, there's nothing abnormally difficult about resuscitants. Like any other creature, it's fairly easy to just stand there and learn shield/parry/armor/evasion, and then to start attacking when you want to learn a weapon. They're no harder or easier to hit than any other cursed/undead at their level, and don't require any unusual spells or abilities.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 08:14 PM CST
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<<I'm not a critters person, but the new constructs in Muspar'i and the newly re-figured DragonPriest assassins near Ilithi seem like they would answer some of these requests.>>

The asha hhhhshshni constructs are damn cool, not big enough though and not skinnable. We're talking something +juv dillo/super celp.

The assassins are a great start but they have severe drawbacks for some hunters (inside, no skinning, buggy stealth issues, almost as far away from anything as islands).

Expanding the range of top level creatures seems to be the way things are tilting, but I'll definitely keep adding my support every time it comes up.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/21/2010 09:22 PM CST
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Boar clan has a nice range. Head splitters teach to mid 700's in shield FYI. I would say super celp'ish for armor.

Resuciants (probably just killed the spelling) are pretty cool, but last time I was there you could not use HUNT.

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 04:19 AM CST
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Resucitants are not high end hunting however you want to spin it, they do not teach well enough, boar clan, muspari area hunting none of them are. DP assassins qualifies kind of but they dont spawn well enough and only a few rooms. The only high end hunting worth it is superz and dillos, nothing else will teach the same so everyone gets stuck with those or nothing.

If advice was any good, they wouldn't give it out for free.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 06:22 AM CST
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I'd be happy if them ruby gryphons didn't keep stunning me and knocking me over, so at least I could try to hunt there for a while.
It would be nice if these annoying things could be taken out, or at least the stun, I can deal with the laying down part, and their level being adjusted higher due to the lack of casting/spells.

Gryphons is a perfect critter to play with, its a good location in Rossmans, and nobody ever hunts the ruby ones because they are so annoying. They could be adjusted rather than create a whole new beast

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 07:59 AM CST
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Tose gryphons are awesome for ranged and TM training. Spawns pretty good, dies fast, pays out ok.

I'd rather walk to gryphons from Crossing than down to Malchatas, over to Storm bulls, or wander over to basilisks and cinderbeasts. But I like learning defense, and sadly Zoluren only allows for 2-4 people to train around that level for the whole province. (1 in wark maulers, 1 in bulls, the rest in miseanor, maybe dinegos at night?)

Muspari's not a bad walk, but it's basically as far as Forf or the islands as far as I'm concerned. Maybe if that bridge from Therengia to Forf ever opened.

As far as making friends with a moonie or ranger to cut the distance, I'd rather walk it myself at my own pace.


You pick up a worthless soul.
You take a bite of the soul. Aaaah. Sweet and juicy.
That was the last of it.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 08:06 AM CST
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I agree, Muspari may be pretty close, but when something happens in Theren, I need to be there asap, not after a 10-15 minute trip on a boat/barge.

For now, until something is changed/created, I guess I'll stick to bashing deer and silver grphons with a collection of weapons
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 08:55 AM CST
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>>Resuscitants really can't be hunted unless you're a Cleric or a masochist. It seems like this is intentional, and they're just meant to guard the quest area.

I don't think there's a quest in Misenseor, at least for Clerics. I thought the GMs just put them in there when they wanted to get rid of the flex skeletons. Are you thinking of Heirophants and the Rezz quest area?

As far as not being able to HUNT, I understand in the Underswamp since it's a quest area, but I don't understand not being able to in Misenseor (again unless it's home to a quest I don't know about).

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:10 AM CST
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<<but I don't understand not being able to in Misenseor (again unless it's home to a quest I don't know about).

Got me why that was (is) the case. I haven't been back, so maybe it has changed?

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:12 AM CST
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Still can't use HUNT there. Not one of those premie-style where you can't track down something, you just can't use HUNT at all.
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:27 AM CST
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IIRC don't all "dark" areas have hunt kinda borked, even if you have a light source?

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:32 AM CST
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>>IIRC don't all "dark" areas have hunt kinda borked, even if you have a light source?

I believe this is true.

Critters on the mainland seem to have multiple flaws instead of just one. It's like, there's more than one reason why I can't train well enough in DPs. Other mainland critters just aren't high enough. Adults and Elders for example seem to be flawless.

Individuals, families, countries, continents are destroyed at the heavy hand of Vinjince.

-GM Abasha
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:54 AM CST
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>>Adults and Elders for example seem to be flawless.

Their only "flaws" are the fact that they use shield and they shoot webs.
- The shield flaw isn't a problem since Dart changed the EXP calcs to be based off of difficulty rather than how much you succeed. Well, I guess it is a "problem" in the fact that I don't kill armadillos as fast as I used to kill super celpeze, which means I'm technically making less money from the skins. But, meh?
- The webbing is only a mild inconvenience totally foreshadowed by the fact that it yields Escaping experience.

The Escaping EXP is the main reason I decided to move to adult armadillos, because Escaping skill is turning into Tactics skill with the skill merger :D

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 11:56 AM CST
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Ohh, also, another flaw is the fact that you have to ride the Galley over to Mer'kresh in order to sell skins, get equipment repairs and/or get healing from the NPC Empath :P

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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 12:24 PM CST
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>> IIRC don't all "dark" areas have hunt kinda borked, even if you have a light source?

Wouldn't the light source only really help you see the critters in front of you anyways? The surrounding rooms themselves don't get any easier to see.

In fact, with a light source, you'd actually lose natural night-vision and lose the ability to see anything past the source of the light anyways.

Just sayin'. Has anyone tested to see if the code checks to see if the critters in the other dark rooms are under any form of illumination before granting success?

- Aristron
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 12:42 PM CST
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>>Wouldn't the light source only really help you see the critters in front of you anyways? The surrounding rooms themselves don't get any easier to see.

That's probably why HUNT doesn't work mechanically, but I'd question if that's how it should work logically.

AFAIK, when you're is using HUNT you're not [explicitly] looking in the other rooms and then going "There he is!" as much as checking out the location you're in and finding clues that show what else is around you beyond your immediate space. "This twig here shows that a musk hog went northwest" and so on.

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 01:06 PM CST
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>> "This twig here shows that a musk hog went northwest"

First off, from a game play perspective, I really have no problems with being able to hunt and see a hidden player fighting a gazebo in the dark 3 rooms away, given sufficient character skill. I just want to state that.

Hunt helps keep things moving in areas with low-spawn, I'm all for that. Experience gained might be dialed up a bit too much, but meh.

Solely in regards to the logical workings, I'd argue against that. We're not talking about doing ranger stuff at night in the open. Doing the tracking by examining bent stalks is fine there. We're talking the dark areas. These are mainly caves, crypts, underground buildings, and the like with absolutely no light.

In order to do these things, you'd have to have HUNT move you and your light source slowly around the area and move along the trail until you were right on top of the creature. What we're talking about here is typing HUNT in combat, or at least stationary, and seeing that there are six gidii three rooms away.

Even taking the full picture into account, smells lose their directionality pretty fast when in an area with little or no wind. You've also got echoing of sounds off the confined walls. You lose a lot of the feel for the prey from your other senses when you lose the open air breeze.

Again, I'm not saying the game should drop the ability to HUNT in dark areas, I'm just saying that it being a lot more difficult does make sense.

- Aristron
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 01:15 PM CST
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>>Solely in regards to the logical workings, I'd argue against that. We're not talking about doing ranger stuff at night in the open. Doing the tracking by examining bent stalks is fine there. We're talking the dark areas. These are mainly caves, crypts, underground buildings, and the like with absolutely no light.

And, if you're in a room with light, you'd see those markers in that dark area. The fact that other rooms in the area are dark is immaterial to the fact that your room isn't.

>>What we're talking about here is typing HUNT in combat, or at least stationary, and seeing that there are six gidii three rooms away.

Yes, and you'd be seeing it based on the "marks" in the currently lit room.

>>Again, I'm not saying the game should drop the ability to HUNT in dark areas, I'm just saying that it being a lot more difficult does make sense.

Which is fine. Except right now "dark" zones are set as "YOU CAN'T DO THIS HERE" even if you're currently covered in glowing orbs of light as you're juggling lit torches next to your flaming horse of sight +10.

"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
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Re: Big Critters on the Mainland on 12/22/2010 04:42 PM CST
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>I don't think there's a quest in Misenseor, at least for Clerics. I thought the GMs just put them in there when they wanted to get rid of the flex skeletons. Are you thinking of Heirophants and the Rezz quest area?

Sure was. I can't remember if it was spawn or something else now, but I know I've heard them referred to as "Resuckitants" for a reason.

~ Kougen
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