Player Sites on 07/24/2014 11:32 PM CDT
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This belongs in a better folder, sorry, like website frontend, but I couldn't find it...
I would love to see some player sites front and center.

I think the news scroll is nice, and tells new people what's going on. Current players what's going on.

But I'd love to see some of the content from the players who have devoted SO MUCH as players (and GMs) to the development of the game seen front and center. Like maybe a bottom ticker with updated/random data from player sites or something.

Elanthipedia, Wren's Nest, Kythryn's Maps/Alchemy, Olwydd. A ticker with random/updated snaps of their site - okay or some other form of displaying it I don't care - I think would be great advertising for the GAME. Because I dunno, when I'm looking into a new game I read reviews of course. But I also look into the community.

If there's no wiki, if there's no fansites, that really says something about a game. Sometimes it just says 'Uber alpha/beta game, no fan-following, check back later'. Fine. But it can also mean that this game really isn't all that interesting.

But DR? HOLY COW this community has put some SERIOUS presence into this game. I know full well that the amount of work that went into one single danged Kythryn map is mind-boggling. Anyone with half a gaming brain looking at this webpage: can see that. And when I as a consumer see *player input* of any magnitude into a game it makes me perk up and take notice. Then I usually click on several buttons and find myself thoroughly underwhelmed but that's another story.

I realize there's a link for player websites, and it even has that whole 'page of the month' (well ok it used to, I dunno, still?) or whatever...but screw side-pages and tabs; player fanaticism should be a badge worn proudly.
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Re: Player Sites on 07/25/2014 09:39 AM CDT
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There used to be a page specifically for fan sites on here but it disappeared many many years ago...

On a whim...:

The Zoluren army asks, "We're um.... really sorry about the clubhouse and all... so uh... are we cool?"

Train? Why? I'll get there eventually...
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Re: Player Sites on 07/25/2014 09:40 AM CDT
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The fall of Geocities killed many sites that I knew.

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Re: Player Sites on 07/25/2014 09:24 PM CDT
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Many of them redundant. But there are a few remaining that most certainly are not redundant. Most of them were absorbed into Elanthipedia. Already there's an established relationship with simu and elanthipedia, I just say embrace that relationship.

Didn't realize the fansite page was gone, as well. That's just silly.
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Re: Player Sites on 07/26/2014 02:34 AM CDT
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<<Already there's an established relationship with simu and elanthipedia, I just say embrace that relationship.

Some of the links on the main page side bar already link directly to the elanthipedia pages instead of their old outdated version. E.g. clicking Magic or Spells takes you to the magic overview page on elanthipedia.

That said... they currently point to the address which is no longer functional, so it might be a good idea to update those to the site. /nudge /nudge

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Player Sites on 07/29/2014 05:06 PM CDT
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All the links on the home page are in the process of being re-worked.

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