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Bot Mining and Mining mechanics on 11/30/2021 05:00 PM CST
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Something needs to be done either with the bots mining or the way mining currently works.
Too many times I spend the time (upwards of 15 minutes) just to get to the ore and then a bot miner or player who doesn't care just comes in and starts taking all the ore. It is impossible to keep up with the bots and in fact it makes it dangerous as I get have gotten hurt by dangers trying to do so. What makes this even more unfair is that often the best ore drops come at the tail end of a room's supply after much work. Far too often I spend all the work clearing the room to the end and someone (many times bots as they are unresponsive) come in and take the last and best of what the room had to offer. To me this is akin to spending the time and effort and risk to disarm and lockpick boxes, after many boxes getting nothing when I finally get a box with something good, someone comes in and takes it.

They don't even ask if company is wanted. Also in mining areas with hunting they often trigger or bring in a lot of unwanted enemies in too which causes extra danger to players who are already mining or hunting in a room.

One suggestion with mining is to have each player who prospects gets their own "instance" of a vein to mine where the dangers are only their own and the only way to share in someone's mining is to be in their group or given permission to share in an existing vein.

Either that or start removing mining privileges from people who afk-bot their mining as some apparently are doing. It only takes 1 bot miner in an area to ruin the mining experience for others so even 1 is too many.

Please help with this because the way things are now the afk-bot miners have an unfair advantage, especially considering that a lot of work has to be done just to get to the ore in the first place and there also are very limited amounts to begin with.
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