If he's talking about finally allowing Bloodlust in Prime.
IE, us being allowed to play critters, and go out and bash the players.
I hope so. I've had these weird dreams about being a rabid ship's rat...
I wonder... on 02/22/2003 07:59 PM CST
Re: I wonder... on 02/22/2003 10:59 PM CST
Re: I wonder... on 02/22/2003 11:01 PM CST
Re: I wonder... on 02/22/2003 11:32 PM CST
> Maybe Dashery will tell us
LOL - I'll tell what I know, anyway....which isn't much, admittedly.
Bloodlust was released in Plat a couple of years ago. It was a tent located just inside the goblin area out the west gate of Crossing, and allowed folks to become either a field goblin, or a goblin shaman. We gave it a try, and things immediately went haywire. A few example bugs:
(1) Taking goblin form instantly reset AES timers, so I could lock up all my AES skills, go turn into a goblin for 5 seconds, and then go back and relock all my AES skills. Absorb a bit, repeat ad nauseum.
(2)The shaman could cast TKT and Fire Shard. The fun part was that there was no mana cap on TKT at all, so a goblin shaman could pretty much one-hit kill anyone in Plat - just Prep TKT 1000, cast. Ouch.
(3) Folks were using goblin shaman to kill people anonymously, grab their weapons when they die, and pass them off to a friend. Basically the same of familiar graverobbing, only in this case the 'fams' could actually kill you themselves...even 30+ circle folks (and these were supposed to be the easiest bloodlust critters)
(4) If you killed a Bloodlust goblin, there was a random chance that the room you killed them in became impassible - ie you couldn't enter that room from any other room. Given that Bloodlust was in the goblin area, this resulted in a lot of folks trapped out the west gate.
(5) Bloodlust goblin swords would pawn for anything from a few kronar to a couple plat. It seemed totally random
There were a LOT more problems, but I think that gives you an idea. The system was imported from Gemstone, and the individual who imported it had never even played DR....which explains a lot.
As to what's next with Bloodlust? I dunno. Damissak was originally hired to "fix" Bloodlust, but has obviously been pulled off onto other systems. My own guess? I doubt we'll ever see Bloodlust in it's original form. It was just one big mess from beginning to end. I suspect if they ever decide to try it again, it'll be an entirely new system, completely independant of the old.
Dash & the gang
Curious about DragonRealms Platinum? Find out more at http://members.tripod.com/cervanntes/DragonRealms/index.htm
LOL - I'll tell what I know, anyway....which isn't much, admittedly.
Bloodlust was released in Plat a couple of years ago. It was a tent located just inside the goblin area out the west gate of Crossing, and allowed folks to become either a field goblin, or a goblin shaman. We gave it a try, and things immediately went haywire. A few example bugs:
(1) Taking goblin form instantly reset AES timers, so I could lock up all my AES skills, go turn into a goblin for 5 seconds, and then go back and relock all my AES skills. Absorb a bit, repeat ad nauseum.
(2)The shaman could cast TKT and Fire Shard. The fun part was that there was no mana cap on TKT at all, so a goblin shaman could pretty much one-hit kill anyone in Plat - just Prep TKT 1000, cast. Ouch.
(3) Folks were using goblin shaman to kill people anonymously, grab their weapons when they die, and pass them off to a friend. Basically the same of familiar graverobbing, only in this case the 'fams' could actually kill you themselves...even 30+ circle folks (and these were supposed to be the easiest bloodlust critters)
(4) If you killed a Bloodlust goblin, there was a random chance that the room you killed them in became impassible - ie you couldn't enter that room from any other room. Given that Bloodlust was in the goblin area, this resulted in a lot of folks trapped out the west gate.
(5) Bloodlust goblin swords would pawn for anything from a few kronar to a couple plat. It seemed totally random
There were a LOT more problems, but I think that gives you an idea. The system was imported from Gemstone, and the individual who imported it had never even played DR....which explains a lot.
As to what's next with Bloodlust? I dunno. Damissak was originally hired to "fix" Bloodlust, but has obviously been pulled off onto other systems. My own guess? I doubt we'll ever see Bloodlust in it's original form. It was just one big mess from beginning to end. I suspect if they ever decide to try it again, it'll be an entirely new system, completely independant of the old.
Dash & the gang
Curious about DragonRealms Platinum? Find out more at http://members.tripod.com/cervanntes/DragonRealms/index.htm
Re: I wonder... on 02/23/2003 12:28 AM CST
>"As to what's next with Bloodlust? I dunno. Damissak was originally hired to "fix" Bloodlust, but has obviously been pulled off onto other systems."
I believe he has so much as said that the recent critter and magic changes were essentially nessisary to make a true Bloodlust type system possible.
Critters behave in reality and code more and more like players, easier to allow a player to run one.
I believe he has so much as said that the recent critter and magic changes were essentially nessisary to make a true Bloodlust type system possible.
Critters behave in reality and code more and more like players, easier to allow a player to run one.