Below is the text I get when previewing how much Plat would cost me.
We want you to confirm that you are subscribing to DragonRealms Platinum. In addition to the standard monthly subscription price of $14.95, your account will be billed an additional $35. Both subscriptions are billed monthly.
A one-time pro-rated charge of $25.66 will also be applied, for a total charge of $75.61 for your first month only.
This makes 100% sense if i only had a basic account right now. But I'm currently Premium (aka: Total per Month: $39.95).
I understand being pro-rated to cover the rest of the month before the next billing cycle, but why do I have to pay a pro-rated charge for Platinum while still paying the full amount for just Premium that month?
Wouldn't it be more correct to pro-rate me for Platinum while also deducting the balance of my Premium account?
So, in other words, along with having $25.66 added to the bill this month, $18.33 would get knocked off my bill this month to make up for the fact that I'm not using my Premium account anymore. This would result in only having to pay a pro-rated charge of $7.33 this month for Platinum, which sounds a lot more reasonable since Platinum only costs $10 more than Premium and, as math would have it, I'm 27% of the way through this month's billing cycle (for me at least).
I'm emailing billing about this, too, but I never got responses there (I think an event GM mentioned some spam filter problems a week or two ago?), so I just want to make sure it reaches someone who can hopefully look into this. Pro-rating makes perfect sense, but when it's over three times the amount I think it should be, it seems a little off.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:17 AM CST
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:22 AM CST
The billing office is open 1-9pm EST so it might be that they're just getting to check their email now (since it's shortly after 1pm EST now). They've always been VERY prompt and VERY helpful in the past (one of the best customer service centers I've ever dealt with honestly). Good luck with your issues.
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:24 AM CST
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:27 AM CST
I just want to clarify that I emailed them about this right after posting it here.
I've never had billing/etc NOT be helpful, but the only but in that is if the message never actually reaches them, it's not like they know someone needs help.
I'm just covering my bases in the event that whatever spam-filtering thing may have been going on before didn't get fully resolved yet.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
I've never had billing/etc NOT be helpful, but the only but in that is if the message never actually reaches them, it's not like they know someone needs help.
I'm just covering my bases in the event that whatever spam-filtering thing may have been going on before didn't get fully resolved yet.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:31 AM CST
Give billing a call and they'll explain it to you fully, much more easily than I can.
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Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:36 AM CST
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 11:40 AM CST
>>Give billing a call and they'll explain it to you fully, much more easily than I can.
They already responded to me via email, and explained how it was just a text error on the website itself. I was going to get billed pretty much exactly how I was thinking it should have worked.
I'm really impressed with how fast they responded.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
They already responded to me via email, and explained how it was just a text error on the website itself. I was going to get billed pretty much exactly how I was thinking it should have worked.
I'm really impressed with how fast they responded.
"We're not "out to get you," we're here to enhance your playing experience with extreme prejudice.," DR-ARMIFER
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 01:06 PM CST
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/12/2010 01:08 PM CST
Re: pro-rate charges + already paying beyond basic = billing error? on 11/13/2010 03:01 AM CST
>>The Simu billing folks are some of the true heroes of Elanthia! :-)
I reopened my the Fallen on another account last week. When I reopened it all the characters were gone. I figured I'd have to call Billing to get them all reactivated, but it was Sunday night. Instead of sending an email and risk them not getting to it for a day or two, I figured I'd just call them first thing Monday morning. At the same time I did cancel like ten extra character slots(I reopened the account with all my old characters to see what gear I had lying around in vaults and what have you) on Prime.
I woke up Monday and had an email in my in box from Chris Metzer about canceling my extra character slots, telling me he reactivated all my old Fallen characters without me even asking.
I reopened my the Fallen on another account last week. When I reopened it all the characters were gone. I figured I'd have to call Billing to get them all reactivated, but it was Sunday night. Instead of sending an email and risk them not getting to it for a day or two, I figured I'd just call them first thing Monday morning. At the same time I did cancel like ten extra character slots(I reopened the account with all my old characters to see what gear I had lying around in vaults and what have you) on Prime.
I woke up Monday and had an email in my in box from Chris Metzer about canceling my extra character slots, telling me he reactivated all my old Fallen characters without me even asking.