Mentors and Hosts, Hosts and Mentors on 01/28/2018 10:50 PM CST
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I'm delving through the applications, still.

I've found a few that look promising but the tests aren't done. Please make sure your application and test are both done!

There are a few others that I have a question or two on.

The folks I have questions for, I'll be looking for you in-game.

If you haven't updated your application in the last 6 months, now might be a good time to peek in and make sure everything is up to date!


Doing stuff
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Re: Mentors and Hosts, Hosts and Mentors on 01/30/2018 02:42 PM CST
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Is there any word on what's planned for 'Necromancer mentors'?
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Re: Mentors and Hosts, Hosts and Mentors on 01/31/2018 08:10 PM CST
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We've still got some pending development before we can have the right discussions about the right way to make this a thing. It is still on the wanted list.

If anyone who is currently mostly a necromancer has any interest in Mentoring as another body, this is an option as long as that secondary character has hit 15th circle and you otherwise meet the requirements.

Also, as Hosts are entirely OOC, being a Necromancer wouldn't get in the way there.

As always, clean policy record counts, attitude counts, everything counts!

Doing stuff
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