World Traveler Passport? on 06/08/2016 02:04 AM CDT
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So currently, for F2P you have to buy a 200 Simucoin passport to travel to another province, and it lasts for 30 days. That's all well and good, but sometimes you may need to travel to a few provinces (maybe buying from trader tables, or completing a quest that isn't covered by the visa system yet), and you don't plan on sticking around, but you still have to buy 30 days worth of time. For instance, the paladin holy weapon quest actually requires you to travel to each province, so it'd end up costing 800 Simucoins for a couple hours of travel.

So with that said, I think an item that allows access to ALL provinces, and includes the ability to travel via boats, would be very welcome. Maybe have it last 7 days, price it around 300 or 400 Simucoins? Heck, could even make it more similar to the visa, where you can't stay after it expires. In addition to what I mentioned above, this could also give people who are truly new to the game a chance to at least check out other areas, before they decide on somewhere they'd like to stay via purchasing one of the other passports.
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Re: World Traveler Passport? on 06/08/2016 12:02 PM CDT
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I like this idea and have suggested something similar before. In addition to player boats, I'd also suggest the astral plane become available with this pass.
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