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Shaping bug? on 03/14/2022 09:49 PM CDT
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I'm not sure if this is the correct place to report this but I keep having an issue when shaping where it says it started but it doesn't. It's only when the initial scrape triggers a shaper requirement. I've seen it about 10 times now and have never seen it until very recently. Below is the log. I should be holding an unfinished figurine, not lumber.

>study my codex
You study the codex until you fully comprehend the design.
Roundtime: 11 sec.
>put my codex in my backpack
You put your codex in your canvas backpack.
>untie my drawknife from my carp belt
You untie a metal drawknife edged in glaes from the straps of your carpenter's belt.
>get lumber from my backpack
You get some balsa lumber from inside your canvas backpack.
>scrape lumber with my drawknife
You select a high quality piece of lumber and brace your foot against it. A layer at a time you scrape into the wood, flattening it into the desired shape. A few areas could be improved, but overall the shaping meets your expectations.

Shaping with a wood shaper is needed to further smooth the material's surface.
Roundtime: 16 sec.
>tie my drawknife to my carp belt
You attach a metal drawknife edged in glaes to a strap on your carpenter's belt.
>untie my shaper from my carp belt
You untie a steel jagged wood shaper from the straps of your carpenter's belt.
>shape my figurine with my shaper
You fumble around but can't seem to make that work.
You are holding some balsa lumber in your left hand and a steel jagged wood shaper in your right hand.
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