Oops on 09/07/2007 09:56 AM CDT
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I should read the boards more.

Someone asked me to help them get adoption papers today so I go to the clerk and ask about adoption.

I asked him about adoption.

The clerk says, "I'm sorry Prescious, but we're only allowing you to register and clear surnames right now. Please come back and see us at a later time."

Though other things you ask him about makes it more clear that only current owned names can be registered or cleared I wish the first question I asked him made that more clear.

Like: The clerk says, "I'm sorry Prescious, but we're only allowing you to register and clear currently owned surnames right now. New surnames are not available at this time. Please come back and see us at a later time."



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Re: Oops on 09/07/2007 10:17 AM CDT
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Yes, the choosing of last names either freely or by adoption is part of Phase II which is yet to be released in Prime.


Player of a few too many

Pol-i-tics (pol-i-tiks) n. 1. "Poli" meaning many. 2. "Tics" meaning blood-sucking insects.
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