Why can't I get a last name? on 01/06/2008 09:35 AM CST
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I asked the clerk about choosing a name...he told me my name was too short. It has 10 letters. What's up? Do you have to be a certain level to choose a last name?

Isadaria's player
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Re: Why can't I get a last name? on 01/06/2008 09:39 AM CST
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ask clerk about choose XXXXXXXXXX (name withheld to keep someone else from grabbing it)

The clerk says, "A proper last name should be a bit longer."

Isadaria's player
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Re: Why can't I get a last name? on 01/06/2008 10:16 AM CST
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I did the same thing a little while ago. There's no circle requirement. Your syntax is just off a little bit.

"ask clerk ABOUT choose XXXXXXXXXX" should be "ask clerk FOR choose XXXXXXXXXX"

- Ogoh

System Announcement: In order to simplify our mythology for newer players, all gods have been renamed after the Little Rascals. Henceforth, Urrem'tier will be known as "Spanky."
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Re: Why can't I get a last name? on 01/06/2008 10:53 AM CST
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Thank you! Last name received and registered.

Isadaria's player
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