RE: Tuesday Tidings - 80 - Dissection on 08/31/2021 08:23 PM CDT
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This is a great QOL addition.

One thing I'm noticing is that the threshhold to success is similar to hiding on a critter. Meaning, if your FA is way below your combat level, which I would think is for most everyone but empaths and necros, there is no chance for success. Maybe an adjustment to help us out here so we don't have to back train on rats to finally get FA moving without standing around for 30 minutes with a FA book just to get things up to 17/34.

Make it similar to skinning where you still get exp from botching the job.

Rhadyn da Dwarb - Blood for fire!

Barbarian Guild Suggestions
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RE: Tuesday Tidings - 80 - Dissection on 09/01/2021 06:00 AM CDT
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Fantastic! First Aid has been in dire need of some love for a long time. Wheeeeee!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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RE: Tuesday Tidings - 80 - Dissection on 09/01/2021 07:39 PM CDT
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Giving FA a combat-trainable path means that it would need to be roughly up to par for the creature you're hunting. Right now, for those who have a gap between skills, back training with another creature is the intended behavior. Early feedback on Discord seems to be that it's pretty quick and not a particularly big inconvenience. However, if folks don't want to use other creatures to back train, the old methods of wound tending and anatomy charts are still available!

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