Stormfront Macro Commands on 05/26/2020 05:56 PM CDT
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Is there a list somewhere of all of the macro functions in Stormfront? I'm referring to things like {RepeatSecondToLast} and other bracketed things like that. The help button in the Create Macro dialog box takes you to a page somewhere on that doesn't exist (anymore?).

-Biomancer Karthor
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Re: Stormfront Macro Commands on 05/26/2020 07:19 PM CDT
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@: position cursor in command line
(example: get @ from my backpack)
\x: clear command buffer; must be first thing in macro.
(example: \xkill orc\r)
\r: simulates pressing Enter
(example: wear my shield\r)
%variable name% : Allows you to insert a variable's value into the macro's output.
(example: draw %weapon%\r)

{pageUp}: scrolls window up one page
{pageDown}: scrolls window down one page
{lineUp}: scrolls window up one line
{lineDown}: scrolls window down one line
{historyPrev}: show the previous command you typed
{historyNext}: show the next command you typed
{repeatLast}: repeats the last command you typed
{cycleWindows}: jump to the next window
{cycleWindowsReverse}: jump to the previous window
{bufferBottom}: Move to bottom of buffer.
{bufferTop}: Move to top of buffer.
{move}: Evaluates to "sneak " if you are hidden and auto sneak is activated. Will be used for drag and other special movements in the future.
{=scriptname}: run script 'scriptname'
{script}: opens the script dialog
{panels}: toggles visibility of the panel bar
{variables}: opens the variables dialog
{macros}: opens the macros dialog
{wounds} / {injuries}: both of these toggle the "see injuries"/"see scars" on the health panel.

Using the wayback machine to view that page
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