Logging Out on 06/08/2011 07:35 PM CDT
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Hey there, I'm not sure I like the new "log out" options.

You click log out which takes you to another page that gives you choices on what type of logout you want to do.

I think there should be a default option that is selected which is log out of everything except the game. If you want to change this behaviour there should be an option in preferences to make it logout of play.net or only the forums or whatever options you want to make available to your customers. In general when users click on a logout or sign off link they expect to be logged out and be able to walk away without waiting for another page to load and answer a question on a new page.

If this option needed to stay, a better way to do it would be to have a modal popup window that is pre-loaded so the user knows instantly that another question needs answered

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Re: Logging Out on 06/09/2011 02:37 AM CDT
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<<Hey there, I'm not sure I like the new "log out" options.

They're not new. That's been the case for as long as I can remember when logging out from within the forums. When logging out from the non-forum parts of the website, it did used to default to logging you out of everything, but that was changed to conform to the forums style of logging out. I want to say 3 or so years ago.

<< In general when users click on a logout or sign off link they expect to be logged out and be able to walk away without waiting for another page to load and answer a question on a new page.

You clearly have never played a Square-Enix online game. They're the kings of multiple (and I mean multiple) step log-outs. ;)


The first slayer of Malik, may he not rest in peace.
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