Im currently using cMUD to play the game. Its fairly stable as far as game play goes. But dont go editing triggers/other settings when you are in a dangerous place.
I eventually (like LoftonM1) plan on having it fully Stormfront compatible with health gauges (gauges arent fully working yet in cMUD) and lots of other bits.
I just want my #PSUB bug fixed, and ill start.
Do either of you plan on uploading a module for a base SF look or preferably individual modules for certain pieces?
Such as a guages mod, familiar window mod, etc?
At the moment I am having a heck of a time just getting an RT gauge to work. I tried adapting the one I have in ZMud but I am probably missing something. I can get the gauge to display the MaxRT but it does not update like it is supposed to.
The compass is a whole other headache.
"I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from."
- Eddie Izzard
Such as a guages mod, familiar window mod, etc?
At the moment I am having a heck of a time just getting an RT gauge to work. I tried adapting the one I have in ZMud but I am probably missing something. I can get the gauge to display the MaxRT but it does not update like it is supposed to.
The compass is a whole other headache.
"I grew up in Europe, where the history comes from."
- Eddie Izzard
<<At the moment I am having a heck of a time just getting an RT gauge to work. I tried adapting the one I have in ZMud but I am probably missing something. I can get the gauge to display the MaxRT but it does not update like it is supposed to
I have the same issues with the RT also. I did get one of my hand buttons to work but not both. I have not spent alot of time with cMud yet either yet.
I have the same issues with the RT also. I did get one of my hand buttons to work but not both. I have not spent alot of time with cMud yet either yet.
Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 01:23 AM CDT
Well I would post the cMUD versions of these zMUD scripts, but I can't seem to export the scripts into anything readable from cMUD, suffice to say that the compatibility report has no issues with the cMUD versions of these zMUD scripts.
#CLASS {Roundtime} {enable}
#VAR rt {0}
#VAR maxrt {6}
#VAR roundTime {1185221962}
#VAR worldtime {1185221957}
#TRIGGER "rtTrig" {Q} {
#var roundTime {%gsl( Q)}
} "" {gsl}
#COND {q} {
#var worldtime {%gsl( q)}
#var rt {%eval( @roundtime-@worldtime)}
#var maxrt {@rt}
#add maxrt (+1)
#T+ rtAlarm
} {gsl}
#ALARM "rtAlarm" {1} {
#IF (@rt>0) {#ADD rt {-1}} {
#T- rtAlarm
} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {DumpTable} {
#add rt (-1)
#if (@rt>0) {#state rtTrig (2)} {#state rtTrig (0)}
#BUTTON 13 {@rt} {} {} {} {@rt} {} {} {Size} {66} {34} {Pos} {18} {24} {32816} {} {Gauge||12|@maxrt||15} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 14 {RT:} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {25} {36} {Pos} {20} {0} {} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
#CLASS {MindStatus} {disable}
#VAR skillmindstates {clear|learning|thoughtful|pondering|concentrating|muddled|very muddled|perplexing|perplexed|bewildering|bewildered|dazed|mind lock}
#TRIGGER {mindStatusAlarm} {exp @skillName}
#TRIGGER {~% ({@SkillMindstates})} {
#var skillStatus %ismember( "%1", @skillmindstates)
#var maxrt 2
#T- MindStatus
#CLASS {Braiding} {disable}
#VAR BraidingVarAlarm {for @BraidingVar|braid my @BraidingVar|#T+ BraidingTR;#var skillName mech;#T+ MindStatus;#SAY {mindStatusAlarm}|app my rope careful|#var iBraidingVarAlarm 1;put my @BraidState in @wastebin;drop my @BraidState;#var maxrt 2|pull my @BraidingVar}
#VAR BraidingVar {vine}
#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm {1} {1}
#VAR BraidState {@BraidingVar} {@BraidingVar}
#VAR BraidStillLearning {0} {0}
#ALARM "BraidingAlarm" {@maxrt} {#T- BraidingAlarm;#EXEC {%item( @BraidingVarAlarm, @iBraidingVarAlarm)}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {you are making} {#VAR BraidStillLearning 1}
#TRIGGER {{begin to carefully braid|manage to find}} {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER "BraidLearningTR" {{isn't usable|could become}} {#IF (@BraidStillLearning) {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#STATE BraidLearningTR (0)} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 6};#T+ BraidingAlarm;#VAR BraidStillLearning 0}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 4;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {is worth} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {{You drop a * rope.|You drop*rope in*@wastebin}} {#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER "BraidingTR" {STATE OF MIND FOUND} {#IF (@skillStatus <=12) {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (-1);braid my @BraidingVar;#STATE BraidingTR (0);#T- BraidingTR} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);pull my @BraidingVar;#var BraidState rope}} "" {disable}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 4;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm} {disable}
#COND {is worth} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm} {disable}
#COND {{You drop a * rope.|You drop*rope in*@wastebin}} {#T- BraidingTR;#RESET {Braiding};#SAY {BraidingDone}} {disable}
#TRIGGER {You need to have more material in your other hand to continue braiding} {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (-1);#var maxrt 1;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {But that would give away your hiding place!} {rel;#var maxrt 2;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {wasted effort} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 6;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 5;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {You drop a * rope.} {#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {think you can still work with what you have left} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 2;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {muttered curse} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 1;#VAR maxrt 2;#VAR BraidState @BraidingVar;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {Appraise what?} {drop my @BraidingVar}
#COND {You drop*@BraidingVar} {#T- BraidingTR;#STATE BraidingTR (0);#RESET {Braiding};#SAY {BraidingDone}}
CMUD does correctly assign the appropriate value to maxrt, but for some reason it just runs over it, when it does work, it seems to wait a good deal of time longer than what is specified by @maxrt, as follows:
> Recoreded maxrt: 9
> for vine
You move forward slightly, hoping to find a better foraging spot.
You manage to find a vine.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
> Recoreded maxrt: 5
> braid my vine
You begin to carefully braid your vine.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
> Recoreded maxrt: 6
A light rain begins to patter down from above.
> mindStatusAlarm
exp mech
Circle: 48
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Mechanical Lore: 161 27.57% clear
braid my vine
Time Development Points: 251 Favors: 7 Deaths: 23
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
Your efforts are hindered by your mail gloves.
You confidently braid your vines, certain that you are making excellent progress.
You are certain that the braided vines isn't usable for anything yet.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
> Recoreded maxrt: 6
exp mech
Circle: 48
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Mechanical Lore: 161 27.57% learning
braid my vine
Time Development Points: 251 Favors: 7 Deaths: 23
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
...wait 2 seconds.
** I only included Mindstatus and Roundtime so you could see the whole picture
** These all work flawlessly in zMUD
** I can post the cMUD versions via xml export, but that just looked like a headache to try to read, let me know if that would help you debug this.
#CLASS {Roundtime} {enable}
#VAR rt {0}
#VAR maxrt {6}
#VAR roundTime {1185221962}
#VAR worldtime {1185221957}
#TRIGGER "rtTrig" {Q} {
#var roundTime {%gsl( Q)}
} "" {gsl}
#COND {q} {
#var worldtime {%gsl( q)}
#var rt {%eval( @roundtime-@worldtime)}
#var maxrt {@rt}
#add maxrt (+1)
#T+ rtAlarm
} {gsl}
#ALARM "rtAlarm" {1} {
#IF (@rt>0) {#ADD rt {-1}} {
#T- rtAlarm
} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {DumpTable} {
#add rt (-1)
#if (@rt>0) {#state rtTrig (2)} {#state rtTrig (0)}
#BUTTON 13 {@rt} {} {} {} {@rt} {} {} {Size} {66} {34} {Pos} {18} {24} {32816} {} {Gauge||12|@maxrt||15} {} "" {Explore|Inset} {} {}
#BUTTON 14 {RT:} {} {} {} {} {} {} {Size} {25} {36} {Pos} {20} {0} {} {} {Separ} {} "" {} {} {}
#CLASS {MindStatus} {disable}
#VAR skillmindstates {clear|learning|thoughtful|pondering|concentrating|muddled|very muddled|perplexing|perplexed|bewildering|bewildered|dazed|mind lock}
#TRIGGER {mindStatusAlarm} {exp @skillName}
#TRIGGER {~% ({@SkillMindstates})} {
#var skillStatus %ismember( "%1", @skillmindstates)
#var maxrt 2
#T- MindStatus
#CLASS {Braiding} {disable}
#VAR BraidingVarAlarm {for @BraidingVar|braid my @BraidingVar|#T+ BraidingTR;#var skillName mech;#T+ MindStatus;#SAY {mindStatusAlarm}|app my rope careful|#var iBraidingVarAlarm 1;put my @BraidState in @wastebin;drop my @BraidState;#var maxrt 2|pull my @BraidingVar}
#VAR BraidingVar {vine}
#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm {1} {1}
#VAR BraidState {@BraidingVar} {@BraidingVar}
#VAR BraidStillLearning {0} {0}
#ALARM "BraidingAlarm" {@maxrt} {#T- BraidingAlarm;#EXEC {%item( @BraidingVarAlarm, @iBraidingVarAlarm)}} "" {disable}
#TRIGGER {you are making} {#VAR BraidStillLearning 1}
#TRIGGER {{begin to carefully braid|manage to find}} {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER "BraidLearningTR" {{isn't usable|could become}} {#IF (@BraidStillLearning) {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#STATE BraidLearningTR (0)} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 6};#T+ BraidingAlarm;#VAR BraidStillLearning 0}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 4;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {is worth} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {{You drop a * rope.|You drop*rope in*@wastebin}} {#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER "BraidingTR" {STATE OF MIND FOUND} {#IF (@skillStatus <=12) {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (-1);braid my @BraidingVar;#STATE BraidingTR (0);#T- BraidingTR} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);pull my @BraidingVar;#var BraidState rope}} "" {disable}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 4;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm} {disable}
#COND {is worth} {#ADD iBraidingVarAlarm (+1);#T+ BraidingAlarm} {disable}
#COND {{You drop a * rope.|You drop*rope in*@wastebin}} {#T- BraidingTR;#RESET {Braiding};#SAY {BraidingDone}} {disable}
#TRIGGER {You need to have more material in your other hand to continue braiding} {#add iBraidingVarAlarm (-1);#var maxrt 1;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {But that would give away your hiding place!} {rel;#var maxrt 2;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {wasted effort} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 6;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {You tug and pull} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 5;#var BraidState rope;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#COND {You drop a * rope.} {#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {think you can still work with what you have left} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 2;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {muttered curse} {#VAR iBraidingVarAlarm 1;#VAR maxrt 2;#VAR BraidState @BraidingVar;#T+ BraidingAlarm}
#TRIGGER {Appraise what?} {drop my @BraidingVar}
#COND {You drop*@BraidingVar} {#T- BraidingTR;#STATE BraidingTR (0);#RESET {Braiding};#SAY {BraidingDone}}
CMUD does correctly assign the appropriate value to maxrt, but for some reason it just runs over it, when it does work, it seems to wait a good deal of time longer than what is specified by @maxrt, as follows:
> Recoreded maxrt: 9
> for vine
You move forward slightly, hoping to find a better foraging spot.
You manage to find a vine.
Roundtime: 4 sec.
> Recoreded maxrt: 5
> braid my vine
You begin to carefully braid your vine.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
> Recoreded maxrt: 6
A light rain begins to patter down from above.
> mindStatusAlarm
exp mech
Circle: 48
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Mechanical Lore: 161 27.57% clear
braid my vine
Time Development Points: 251 Favors: 7 Deaths: 23
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
Your efforts are hindered by your mail gloves.
You confidently braid your vines, certain that you are making excellent progress.
You are certain that the braided vines isn't usable for anything yet.
Roundtime: 5 seconds.
> Recoreded maxrt: 6
exp mech
Circle: 48
SKILL: Rank/Percent towards next rank/Amount learning
Mechanical Lore: 161 27.57% learning
braid my vine
Time Development Points: 251 Favors: 7 Deaths: 23
Overall state of mind: clear
EXP HELP for more information
...wait 2 seconds.
** I only included Mindstatus and Roundtime so you could see the whole picture
** These all work flawlessly in zMUD
** I can post the cMUD versions via xml export, but that just looked like a headache to try to read, let me know if that would help you debug this.
Re: Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 03:17 AM CDT
For my RT in Cmud I use the following. (I wish Zugg would put in an export to text option)
Trigger number 1
Type: GSL
Pattern: Q
>>Content is blank
Trigger state 2
Type: GSL
Pattern: q
Content: roundtime = %eval(%gsl(Q)-%gsl(q));#T+ tRTAlarm
Trigger 2
Type: Alarm
ID: tRTAlarm
Content: #if (@RoundTime) {#add RoundTime -1} {#T- tRTAlarm}
>>For a gauge I use the status bar. The number in seconds is displayed as well as what is in each of my hands.
Status bar content is below:
%ansi("Bold") RT: %ansi("Red")@roundtime %ansi("Bold,black") Left: %ansi("bold,cyan")@lhand %ansi("Bold,black") Right: %ansi("bold,cyan")@rhand
I think that is it in a nut shell.
>>I also have a trigger that creates a second RT variable and adds a second to it. I use this for my alarms within scripts instead of relying on waits pr pauses.
Script RT Trigger
Type: Pattern
Pattern: Roundtime~:[%s](%d) {sec.|seconds.}
Content: #var rtime %1+1
>>If I get into an extremely laggy session I simply add more seconds. IE: %1+3. I do suppose I could simply have it do this triggered off of the ...wait x seconds output but for me it just seems more trouble than it is worth.
P.S. I listed my contact info in your post over on the Zuggsoft forums. Just in case you want to get ahold of me for anything. I am by no stretch of the word an expert or even journeyman but I am learning as I go.
Trigger number 1
Type: GSL
Pattern: Q
>>Content is blank
Trigger state 2
Type: GSL
Pattern: q
Content: roundtime = %eval(%gsl(Q)-%gsl(q));#T+ tRTAlarm
Trigger 2
Type: Alarm
ID: tRTAlarm
Content: #if (@RoundTime) {#add RoundTime -1} {#T- tRTAlarm}
>>For a gauge I use the status bar. The number in seconds is displayed as well as what is in each of my hands.
Status bar content is below:
%ansi("Bold") RT: %ansi("Red")@roundtime %ansi("Bold,black") Left: %ansi("bold,cyan")@lhand %ansi("Bold,black") Right: %ansi("bold,cyan")@rhand
I think that is it in a nut shell.
>>I also have a trigger that creates a second RT variable and adds a second to it. I use this for my alarms within scripts instead of relying on waits pr pauses.
Script RT Trigger
Type: Pattern
Pattern: Roundtime~:[%s](%d) {sec.|seconds.}
Content: #var rtime %1+1
>>If I get into an extremely laggy session I simply add more seconds. IE: %1+3. I do suppose I could simply have it do this triggered off of the ...wait x seconds output but for me it just seems more trouble than it is worth.
P.S. I listed my contact info in your post over on the Zuggsoft forums. Just in case you want to get ahold of me for anything. I am by no stretch of the word an expert or even journeyman but I am learning as I go.
Re: Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 03:20 PM CDT
>>I wish Zugg would put in an export to text option
Not going to happen. He will, and right now is, working on a human-readable XML format, though.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Not going to happen. He will, and right now is, working on a human-readable XML format, though.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Re: Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 06:49 PM CDT
Re: Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 07:52 PM CDT
>>By the way Loft, how is that SF clone going?
Mostly not at all. I'm having too much fun with other projects, and CMud doesn't yet have any MXP updates. I also got distracted by a stupid XML stream bug that's causing the gauge-updating tags to not turn off once you've regained 100% status.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Mostly not at all. I'm having too much fun with other projects, and CMud doesn't yet have any MXP updates. I also got distracted by a stupid XML stream bug that's causing the gauge-updating tags to not turn off once you've regained 100% status.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
Re: Tedium of cMUD on 07/25/2007 10:46 PM CDT
>>I also got distracted by a stupid XML stream bug that's causing the gauge-updating tags to not turn off once you've regained 100% status.
That sounds like it could get very messy. In any case, good luck on your projects. Keep us informed if you would please. I know that myself being an idiot when it comes to advanced programming in Cmud and any kind of messing around with XML basically prohibits me from doing any work in that area. Then again I could just be ultra lazy and half brain-dead. :)
That sounds like it could get very messy. In any case, good luck on your projects. Keep us informed if you would please. I know that myself being an idiot when it comes to advanced programming in Cmud and any kind of messing around with XML basically prohibits me from doing any work in that area. Then again I could just be ultra lazy and half brain-dead. :)