MXP XML-Prompts etc. on 06/17/2007 12:24 PM CDT
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ok, the main problem I'm having is the micro font over on the zmud boards. Then the lot of extra stuff too. Can someone boil down a few things?

#MXP <!element stream att="id" TAG=20 OPEN>
#MXP <!element preset att="id" TAG=20 OPEN>

What's this suppose to do? am I suppose to replace info, it's been so long I forgot how it fixed my thought and fam window.

Am I suppose to use #sub for <bold>(*)</bold>, and how?

Aslo what about the <preset id='speech'> </preset> coloring?
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Re: MXP XML-Prompts etc. on 06/17/2007 09:28 PM CDT
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>>#MXP <!element stream att="id" TAG=20 OPEN>

!element simply defines the tag. It's like a wiki template. "stream" is the name of the tag, att="stuff here" is the list of parameters being passed, TAG=20 is the unique identifier of the tag (mostly used for an alternative syntax, so all you have to really worry about is that it's a unique number), and OPEN tells ZMud that a client can change things about the tag.

There's a spot not shown above that contains the actual "trigger code" for the tag, so at the moment the stream tag isn't doing anything. I don't really think it matters where you put it, but for simplicity and clarity it's usually right after the tag name. For example, !element stream "#capture tells" att="id"... There are some limitations to this trigger code, so don't despair so much if something you try isn't working.

>>Am I suppose to use #sub for <bold>(*)</bold>, and how?

Yep. Well, actually, you're supposed to use #MXP but it and #SUB are pretty interchangeable. Since Simutronics is not a true MXP-enabled mud it's not sending any of the telnet options telling ZMud to enable MXP and define all the elements.

>>Aslo what about the <preset id='speech'> </preset> coloring?

This looks like it might be tricky, since presumably preset is used for more than just the speech lines/window. I'm not sure if you can access the attribute list variables within a tag, so if not you may need to use the generic preset definition in conjunction with an #MXPTRIG trigger (a trigger state that matches on the mxp tags, just like GSL triggers match on the GSL codes). You can access the id part to determine what the tag is supposed to do, and then handle the "do" part in the trigger code.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: MXP XML-Prompts etc. on 06/20/2007 07:48 PM CDT
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#MXPspeech #co green
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Re: MXP XML-Prompts etc. on 06/21/2007 01:55 AM CDT
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Nah, first you have to set up the mxp tag. That's the #MXP part I explained earlier in relation to the stream tag. Preset seems to be a tag that looks up what to do based on the ID being passed to it. I'm fairly sure you can't handle that from within an MXP tag itself, so to make sure ZMud does the stuff you want it to do for speech you use an MXP trigger (the actual command is #MXPTRIG):

#MXPTRIG {preset id='speech'} {#COLOR green}

I don't guarantee this will work, haven't tested it out.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: MXP XML-Prompts etc. on 06/21/2007 06:37 PM CDT
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Nope., I'll keep working on it though.

the vital bars need to be set with 100 max and echo off the text='100%' response.

This opinion brought to you by soylent green. Results will very from person to person.
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