Does anyone still use zmud? The old DRzMUD yahoo group no longer exists. It was probably inactive anyway, but it did still have files. There's also no mention of any zmud scripts or files anywhere in Elanthipedia that I can see. The finished scripts forum at had mainly basic stuff I wasn't interested in and a link to the now nonexistent DRzMUD group.
Mainly I'm interested in a nice map. I can twist zmud into doing what I want (usually), but mapping is not one of my favorite activities, and I'm just more inclined to use stormfront and one of the nice travel scripts if nobody has a good zmud map.
zmud users? on 11/03/2008 12:35 PM CST
Re: zmud users? on 11/03/2008 03:47 PM CST
It's super rough, and I didn't offer up the nastily gigantic set of supporting triggers that make most things run smoothly. There are also a few areas of importance that aren't yet mapped, either because I never went there, I couldn't go there (ie, lack of skill), or it was way too dangerous for me to go there (skill enough to get in, not enough skill to deal with critters present); despite this lack, there's a nice long list of high(er)-level areas even the strongest of my characters really has no business being in at all even as a frantically-running scaredy-cat.
In the interests of helping you out, I recommend the following actions:
1)after placing the file in the correct folder, open up the mapper and open up this file. This should associate the file with your session, but just to be sure you might want to save everything.
2)go somewhere as quiet as possible, verify the blue dot is in the correct room, and run the configuration wizard once. Not doing this could cause the existing config to not work with this map.
3)once configured, go into Mapper Configuration Preferences and check the checkbox in the Room Descriptions section that says something like "Room Descriptions change". If this is not checked, running through night/day changing areas will cause the map to stop following because the room descriptions don't match what's in the map. The mapper will not check room descriptions at all when this option is checked, so be aware that the blue dot will move when you make mistakes.
4)get in the habit of staying in follow mode (or map mode with the padlock icon set to the locked mode) until you are specifically wanting to map new areas. If something goes wrong and you don't realize it, this won't mess up the map any.
It's super rough, and I didn't offer up the nastily gigantic set of supporting triggers that make most things run smoothly. There are also a few areas of importance that aren't yet mapped, either because I never went there, I couldn't go there (ie, lack of skill), or it was way too dangerous for me to go there (skill enough to get in, not enough skill to deal with critters present); despite this lack, there's a nice long list of high(er)-level areas even the strongest of my characters really has no business being in at all even as a frantically-running scaredy-cat.
In the interests of helping you out, I recommend the following actions:
1)after placing the file in the correct folder, open up the mapper and open up this file. This should associate the file with your session, but just to be sure you might want to save everything.
2)go somewhere as quiet as possible, verify the blue dot is in the correct room, and run the configuration wizard once. Not doing this could cause the existing config to not work with this map.
3)once configured, go into Mapper Configuration Preferences and check the checkbox in the Room Descriptions section that says something like "Room Descriptions change". If this is not checked, running through night/day changing areas will cause the map to stop following because the room descriptions don't match what's in the map. The mapper will not check room descriptions at all when this option is checked, so be aware that the blue dot will move when you make mistakes.
4)get in the habit of staying in follow mode (or map mode with the padlock icon set to the locked mode) until you are specifically wanting to map new areas. If something goes wrong and you don't realize it, this won't mess up the map any.
Re: zmud users? on 11/04/2008 02:39 AM CST
i've used zmud since like 3.2 or so, and i wouldnt use anything else
but i dont use the mapper, as its never worked right, last time i tried was a version 6 version, never tried in version 7 (never tried the zmap program addon)
the reason there's no script librarys or repositories, is because i'm practically the only person in DR that uses it, there's only a couple of us at MOST
may i suggest you just memorize the dr map in your head? rather than use zmud mapper? :P it'll be easier, i promise
all my travel scripts look like this:
#TRIGGER {^keywordtostarttravling$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "sw"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb wall"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb emb"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go gate"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go stair"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "n"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb break"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go gate"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go stair"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "echo we're here!"}
good luck, its a good program, but there's not really help for it
but the trigger help file is the ultimate function resource, and if you just search it for what you want/learn the language, you'll find you can do anything with it..... but use the mapper. (this may no longer be true, the mapper might be nice now.. but it never was in the past)
but i dont use the mapper, as its never worked right, last time i tried was a version 6 version, never tried in version 7 (never tried the zmap program addon)
the reason there's no script librarys or repositories, is because i'm practically the only person in DR that uses it, there's only a couple of us at MOST
may i suggest you just memorize the dr map in your head? rather than use zmud mapper? :P it'll be easier, i promise
all my travel scripts look like this:
#TRIGGER {^keywordtostarttravling$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "sw"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb wall"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb emb"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go gate"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go stair"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "n"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "climb break"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "s"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go gate"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "go stair"}
#COND {^~[*~]$} {#send "echo we're here!"}
good luck, its a good program, but there's not really help for it
but the trigger help file is the ultimate function resource, and if you just search it for what you want/learn the language, you'll find you can do anything with it..... but use the mapper. (this may no longer be true, the mapper might be nice now.. but it never was in the past)
Re: zmud users? on 11/04/2008 05:47 AM CST
If I may suggest, try the Genie Client:
Version 3 is just RC2 but it is very stable and is one of the reasons I'm actually playing again.
The macros, aliases, variables, and triggers just make it so easy to take care of the grunt work and focus on having fun. If you are into scripts, it can do pretty much anything.
Also with this release is mapping functionality that seems to work pretty well, even though it is a very new feature. The folks behind Genie are starting a project to recreate all of the standard DR maps from Elanthipedia using the mapping tool.
Version 3 is just RC2 but it is very stable and is one of the reasons I'm actually playing again.
The macros, aliases, variables, and triggers just make it so easy to take care of the grunt work and focus on having fun. If you are into scripts, it can do pretty much anything.
Also with this release is mapping functionality that seems to work pretty well, even though it is a very new feature. The folks behind Genie are starting a project to recreate all of the standard DR maps from Elanthipedia using the mapping tool.
Re: zmud users? on 11/04/2008 04:55 PM CST
>may i suggest you just memorize the dr map in your head? rather than use zmud mapper? :P it'll be easier, i promise
The real draw to the map for me is that zmud can move you from one mapped room to any other mapped room, like a more versatile travel script. Of course that's assuming it follows the map accurately. It's supposed to be better in zmud 7 but I was fooling around with it the other day and it was still not following properly, even with "Room Descriptions change" checked. It was veering wildly off course or not following at all for me after making just a few rooms, not sure why.
Much appreciated! Unfortunately I get "file not found" when I click it.
>If I may suggest, try the Genie Client:
Genie does sound interesting, but how much activity is there in the community of users? I'm decent (uh, average) at figuring things out on my own, but I don't really want to make the investment for a new client on a PAFO mentality. I ask because the Genie wiki has no edits in the last 30 days and seems...sparse.
That said I've heard only good things about it!
The real draw to the map for me is that zmud can move you from one mapped room to any other mapped room, like a more versatile travel script. Of course that's assuming it follows the map accurately. It's supposed to be better in zmud 7 but I was fooling around with it the other day and it was still not following properly, even with "Room Descriptions change" checked. It was veering wildly off course or not following at all for me after making just a few rooms, not sure why.
Much appreciated! Unfortunately I get "file not found" when I click it.
>If I may suggest, try the Genie Client:
Genie does sound interesting, but how much activity is there in the community of users? I'm decent (uh, average) at figuring things out on my own, but I don't really want to make the investment for a new client on a PAFO mentality. I ask because the Genie wiki has no edits in the last 30 days and seems...sparse.
That said I've heard only good things about it!
Re: zmud users? on 11/04/2008 05:32 PM CST
The Wiki isn't necessarily where all the information is. The genie forums are very active and full of questions and answers, as well as script examples that you can use/adapt for your own purposes. The problem is you can't access the forums until you get genie.
Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
Life is too short to drink cheap beer.
Re: zmud users? on 11/04/2008 06:36 PM CST
>>Much appreciated! Unfortunately I get "file not found" when I click it.
Whoops. Mixed up the name of the file. is the one I shared (I later renamed it to cmud237dr to keep cmud/zmud from messing with each other's files.)
>>The real draw to the map for me is that zmud can move you from one mapped room to any other mapped room, like a more versatile travel script. Of course that's assuming it follows the map accurately. It's supposed to be better in zmud 7 but I was fooling around with it the other day and it was still not following properly, even with "Room Descriptions change" checked. It was veering wildly off course or not following at all for me after making just a few rooms, not sure why.
As to your problems, could you explain them in more detail? The mapper-stopped stuff after making just a few rooms might be simply because of how you handle something like GO GATE, since you can barely move more than three rooms without having to use GO, CLIMB, OUT, or some other command. When you move in an unmapped direction using a compass direction (north, south, etc), the mapper is smart enough to assume you want to create a new room in that direction. However, if you use a command like GO, there's no directional clue as to where to put the room so there's no directional association for the command. To fix this, you using the mapdir character (> by default) like so:
>go gate>e
This creates the room in the direction specified (east), and attaches the GO GATE command to the OTHER COM field (you will see this if you open up the Room Properties window and click on the Exits tab.) This method has yet to fail on me, so it makes things a whole heck of a lot easier to deal with. Also, when set up like this, using the numberpad (any use of the direction command, really) will automatically convert "e" to "go gate".
Beyond that, if you encounter a peripheral message (which could be anything that's not the room name, room description, exits line, or prompt) which you are not handling via a #NOMAP or #NODIR as appropriate, the mapper's going to pick up on that when it matches the room pattern. You could attempt a #TAG trigger, but there's already special mapper support built-in due to the GSL stuff.
Veering wildly off-course? That sounds a bit like the 101-room speedwalking bug. In ZMud, there's a bug in the pathfinding formula that corrupts the path you are supposed to go if the destination room is more than 100 rooms away. When this bug hits me, I'm usually trying to go from leth to either the gondola or the ferry to Crossing and invariably I end up going in the opposite direction I intended (ie, if I double-clicked the ferry room I'd end up somewhere near the gondola platform.) I found it easier to simply learn where I can safely speedwalk to, but you could go to the effort to create a speedwalking script similar to any other travel script and use that instead (it won't help any with the double-click speedwalking, but your script could set up a series of anchor rooms so that the walker portion stayed below 100 rooms).
Barring all of that, you might have a corrupted room somewhere in the map. THAT is very much no fun at all to track down, because ZMud gives you absolutely no clue that a room is broken until you encounter it.
Whoops. Mixed up the name of the file. is the one I shared (I later renamed it to cmud237dr to keep cmud/zmud from messing with each other's files.)
>>The real draw to the map for me is that zmud can move you from one mapped room to any other mapped room, like a more versatile travel script. Of course that's assuming it follows the map accurately. It's supposed to be better in zmud 7 but I was fooling around with it the other day and it was still not following properly, even with "Room Descriptions change" checked. It was veering wildly off course or not following at all for me after making just a few rooms, not sure why.
As to your problems, could you explain them in more detail? The mapper-stopped stuff after making just a few rooms might be simply because of how you handle something like GO GATE, since you can barely move more than three rooms without having to use GO, CLIMB, OUT, or some other command. When you move in an unmapped direction using a compass direction (north, south, etc), the mapper is smart enough to assume you want to create a new room in that direction. However, if you use a command like GO, there's no directional clue as to where to put the room so there's no directional association for the command. To fix this, you using the mapdir character (> by default) like so:
>go gate>e
This creates the room in the direction specified (east), and attaches the GO GATE command to the OTHER COM field (you will see this if you open up the Room Properties window and click on the Exits tab.) This method has yet to fail on me, so it makes things a whole heck of a lot easier to deal with. Also, when set up like this, using the numberpad (any use of the direction command, really) will automatically convert "e" to "go gate".
Beyond that, if you encounter a peripheral message (which could be anything that's not the room name, room description, exits line, or prompt) which you are not handling via a #NOMAP or #NODIR as appropriate, the mapper's going to pick up on that when it matches the room pattern. You could attempt a #TAG trigger, but there's already special mapper support built-in due to the GSL stuff.
Veering wildly off-course? That sounds a bit like the 101-room speedwalking bug. In ZMud, there's a bug in the pathfinding formula that corrupts the path you are supposed to go if the destination room is more than 100 rooms away. When this bug hits me, I'm usually trying to go from leth to either the gondola or the ferry to Crossing and invariably I end up going in the opposite direction I intended (ie, if I double-clicked the ferry room I'd end up somewhere near the gondola platform.) I found it easier to simply learn where I can safely speedwalk to, but you could go to the effort to create a speedwalking script similar to any other travel script and use that instead (it won't help any with the double-click speedwalking, but your script could set up a series of anchor rooms so that the walker portion stayed below 100 rooms).
Barring all of that, you might have a corrupted room somewhere in the map. THAT is very much no fun at all to track down, because ZMud gives you absolutely no clue that a room is broken until you encounter it.
Re: zmud users? on 11/05/2008 05:53 AM CST
>Genie does sound interesting, but how much activity is there in the community of users? I'm decent (uh, average) at figuring things out on my own, but I don't really want to make the investment for a new client on a PAFO mentality. I ask because the Genie wiki has no edits in the last 30 days and seems...sparse.
The community is VERY active with lots of information being shared. However, this is on the Genie message boards that you can only gain access to once you purchase the client. There are lots more scripts, tips, and info available on the boards.
The wiki is fairly sparse. They are currently looking for people to help out with it and other materials.
The community is VERY active with lots of information being shared. However, this is on the Genie message boards that you can only gain access to once you purchase the client. There are lots more scripts, tips, and info available on the boards.
The wiki is fairly sparse. They are currently looking for people to help out with it and other materials.
Re: zmud users? on 11/05/2008 06:15 AM CST