Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 07:25 PM CST
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Ok there is something I don't get why is that if you consent someone while they have your weapon. It still goes back to where you died? This just cost me my favorite weapons and has me very upset with simu in general right. Not because I died either.

We are all mere shadows and dust.

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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 07:45 PM CST
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You have to consent them before they pick the weapon up. They can drop it and then you give consent, then pick it up again.
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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 07:45 PM CST
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You need to read NEWS 2 5 a bit closer then.

NOTE: CONSENT only applies to those items picked up ~AFTER~ the CONSENT is granted. Additionally, it must be given after EACH individual death.

It's always been like that.

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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 07:48 PM CST
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>>NOTE: CONSENT only applies to those items picked up ~AFTER~ the CONSENT is granted. Additionally, it must be given after EACH individual death.

>>It's always been like that.

Which is why it's currently at the top of my "Verbs that could be incredibly useful but are currently not worth using" list.


"Gown Removed Carelessly. Head, less so." - Joss Whedon
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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 08:13 PM CST
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Doesn't make the mechanic any less bogus or useless.

We are all mere shadows and dust.

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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 08:31 PM CST
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i think the mechanic itself may be broken in that case, as numberous times i've gotten the message upon "consenting" my empath who usually ends up going to the rescue of whatver of my characters manage to get killed in TF, "but you've already consented bashful".

so consenting each time is not working properly.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 08:33 PM CST
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It must be me, but I don't understand why having to consent someone before them picking up your things makes it useless...

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Re: Bogus Mechanic on 11/04/2006 08:51 PM CST
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it only becomes "useless" if that character ends up logging <say you get a bad connection, and are trying to use 1 acct to pick up the other accts things>. then if the weapon or whatever teleports itself back to where you dropped it when dead, it defeats the whole idea of it being "rescued" by the rescuer.

Also another bug that seems that I've encountered in TF, maybe because of the relative "youngness" of my characters there - my highest character is my empath at 69th as compared to in Prime my thief is in the 90s in circle - when trying to pick up something for an unrelated character who is afk to try to rescue their stuff from the janitor mechanics - you get the "not enough discipline to pick that up". Which again seems odd, because my empath in TF and my Thief in Prime both have the same amount of the Discipline stat. yet my thief in prime can usually pick up something if it pops out of a grave, but my empath in TF cannot.

"Word on the street is, ya been lookin' out for the best interests of the Guild."
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