Not exactally graverobbing on 10/06/2007 05:49 PM CDT
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So..I'm in Leucros and I fall trying to help someone else. I get dragged to the Crossing clerics guild, my blade is set down while the dragger goes after the other deader.

With no warning at all someone appears in the clerics guild, picks up my blade, and walks out. Several people gweth, I gweth, no reply from the one who took the blade. The thief shows back up, laughs, and walks out. I had time to search him, but it came back saying he had nothing of mine on him. After asking around I learn that this person is quite tough, and I have no chance against him in pvp.

I head to the bank and get out a couple plat to tip the cleric that raised me. Between the bank, and the clerics guild, my pockets are cleaned out. I arrive with nothing. My only assumption is that the same one that took my blade cleaned out my pockets.

I've never seen this person before, and have had zero contact with them. but everyone that I talk to tells me he is a well knon harraser of all. You'd think that the communtity would be up in arms to run this scum out of town.

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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/06/2007 05:54 PM CDT
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>>>You'd think that the communtity would be up in arms to run this scum out of town.

Last I checked, the only thing that gets people up in arms these days are Prydaens. And maybe the death of a guildleader, but there's not enough data for a trend-line on that one.

Amagaim; the player of,

The whole of nature is a conjugation of the verb to eat, in the active and the passive.
--- William Ralph Inge
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/06/2007 07:18 PM CDT
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word to the wise... if you are going to depart, try and get a paladin to glyph your weapon/ ward you. someone else picks up your weapon try to get them to wait for paladin to do this.

as for the tip, ask cleric/empath to accompany you to the bank. they are just as vulnerable to theft as you are if you give them the tip in their guild.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 06:40 AM CDT
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Anyone can be killed.

-Galren Moonskin

!>You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde screaming in barbaric approval of your deeds.
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 08:12 AM CDT
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<Last I checked, the only thing that gets people up in arms these days are Prydaens. And maybe the death of a guildleader, but there's not enough data for a trend-line on that one.

Sad but true. Unfortunately I don't know the policy pertaining to dropped weapons upon death. I'd hope there wasn't at least some recourse.

player of Celeiros

-At the cleric meeting-
DARTENIAN says, "I think we all need to get down and pray for bit-based experience."
>DARTENIAN clears his throat.
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 11:19 AM CDT
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Items dropped = items stuffed into a grave or ward. The descedant has consent against the robber, but the robber didn't do anything wrong in grabbing it.

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 11:25 AM CDT
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>>Items dropped = items stuffed into a grave or ward. The descedant has consent against the robber, but the robber didn't do anything wrong in grabbing it.

I'm sorry? That was just one big contradiction. Here, I'll explain:

>>Items dropped = items stuffed into a grave or ward.

Meaning, if you were holding a scimitar at the time of death, according to graverob mechanics, you will get the message if your not consented to pick it up.

>>The descendant has consent agains't the robber.

Correct, the item in question (IE: Scimitar) has been graverobbed per mechanics.

>>but the robber didn't do anything wrong in grabbing it.

Hmm...picking up a weapon (IE: this case, scimitar) from a fallen's hand is wrong if they know the scimitar belonged to the dead carcass laying there. Your entire speel there just made no sense at all.

You say the robber did nothing wrong with picking up a deaders weapon. Its graverobbing all the same. So therefore is wrong. But yet you say the robber did nothing wrong? I'm sorry J'Lo, but that made no sense to say two different things on the same subject in 3 sentences.

Ramis and his brood.
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 11:35 AM CDT
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Consent is defined in policy, but it's not considered against the rules. "Wrong" in this case was referring to policy violations--harassment, bug abuse, etc--that would legimately require a GM to step in and say "don't do that!"

J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List --
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 11:40 AM CDT
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>>You say the robber did nothing wrong with picking up a deaders weapon. Its graverobbing all the same. So therefore is wrong

Well, this is a policy discussion folder. Graverobbing is sort of dastardly, and people frown upon it, but it's not against policy in and of itself, which is how I would interpret 'wrong' in the context of this folder.

HR>You exclaim to the dog, "You wagtail! Die!"
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 02:59 PM CDT
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Unfortunately there's a big difference between pulling an item from someone's grave versus picking up a weapon that a dragger dropped. At least taking from a grave is protected by some mechanics as it's difficult to dig someone else's grave and you can searching a person for stolen items. What can one do for their weapon though?

player of Celeiros

-At the cleric meeting-
DARTENIAN says, "I think we all need to get down and pray for bit-based experience."
>DARTENIAN clears his throat.
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 04:06 PM CDT
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Items dropped on death also have a graverobbing flag on them and can be searched off of someone.

Searching someone doesn't always work, though. There IS a skill check involved and you can fail.

Rev. Reene

Syralon whispers to your group, "Gentlemen, to evil!"
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 08:39 PM CDT
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>And maybe the death of a guildleader, but there's not enough data for a trend-line on that one.

No one got any extra riled up when I killed Vecuto, but I guess they were already up in arms.

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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 09:02 PM CDT
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which guild is he guildleader of? just curious, haven't heard the name before.

<<If nothing else, maybe some Magic Using guilds will now feel the joys of "You cannot steal here.", at least for a while.--Solomon>>
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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 10/07/2007 10:21 PM CDT
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>which guild is he guildleader of? just curious, haven't heard the name before.

Cleric guildleader from P5

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Re: Not exactally graverobbing on 11/06/2007 07:37 PM CST
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He didn't walk though did he?

Axillus - Halfling Warrior Mage
>You charge your steel-toed footwrap at a musk hog.
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